Page 57 - ETP-April-May2020
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                              Materials Sciences Innovation
                 New High-Performance Thermal Analysis, Rheology and Microcalorimetry
                           Tools Help Accelerate the Pace of Materials Research

              aters Corporation has in-                              characterization of solid samples in
          Wtroduced new products that                                dynamic tension, bending, or com-
          bring greater productivity and effi-                       pression mode. Researchers can get
          ciency to materials science research.                      both dynamic mechanical and rheo-
          The new Discovery™ X3 Differential                         logical measurements from a single
          Scanning Calorimeter, Discovery                            instrument and thereby obtain more
          Hybrid Rheometers  and  TAM  IV                            information more efficiently.
          Micro XL isothermal microcalo-
          rimeter support the development of                         TAM IV Micro XL Microcal-
          next-generation, high performance                          orimeter for Next-Genera-
          materials and products.                                    tion Battery Development
            “These new products emphasize                            Light, compact batteries power much
          our commitment to materials scienc-  | The Discovery X3 Differential Scanning   of today’s world and they hold the key
          es,” said Jonathan Pratt, Senior Vice   Calorimeter (DSC) generates three times the   to the transition away from fossil fuel
          President of  Waters Corporation   amount of experimental data as a standard DSC   dependence. Cost and performance
          and President, TA Instruments. “For   and is the most versatile, highest-throughput   improvements in battery technology
          scientists  exploring  the  relationship   DSC available to scientists. (Photo: Business Wire)  continue to drive the need for better,
          between the structure and property
          of materials, these technologies en-  “FOR SCIENTISTS EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP
          able efficiencies in both streamlining   BETWEEN THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTY OF
          laboratory operations and accelerat-  MATERIALS, THESE TECHNOLOGIES ENABLE
          ing new product innovation.”
                                              EFFICIENCIES IN BOTH STREAMLINING
          Three Times Greater            LABORATORY OPERATIONS AND ACCELERATING
          Throughput                               NEW PRODUCT INNOVATION.”
          Uniquely engineered  to  eliminate   Jonathan Pratt, Senior Vice President of Waters Corporation
          multiple testing steps, the new Dis-        and President, TA Instruments
          covery X3 Differential Scanning Cal-
          orimeter (DSC) generates three times   rheometers are five times more sensi-  more sensitive measurements.
          the amount of experimental data as a   tive than previous versions and offer   The new TAM IV Micro XL is
          standard DSC, effectively consolidat-  class-leading versatility in a platform   a powerful isothermal microcalorim-
          ing three instruments into one. The   that  makes  it  easier  for  users  of  all   eter (IMC) specifically designed to
          data quality and sensitivity of the in-  experience levels to obtain accurate   give researchers a better understand-
          strument allows researchers to com-  rheological data. Scientists are now   ing of battery discharging and charg-
          pare various formulations or compet-  empowered to measure weak inter-  ing dynamics, including the precise
          itive materials side-by-side under the   molecular structures, lower viscosi-  mechanisms of “parasitic reactions”
          exact same test conditions. It is the   ties, and obtain results on smaller   that shorten battery life.
          most versatile, highest-throughput   volumes  of  low  viscosity  or  weakly   It is the only sub-microwatt calo-
          DSC available to scientists.  structured fluids than previously   rimeter capable of addressing a wide
                                       possible - a critical consideration   range of battery types for use in med-
          Enhanced Measurement         when working with scarce or novel   ical devices, consumer electronics,
          Sensitivity                  materials. The unique dynamic me-  automobiles and aircraft/spacecraft.
          This new trio of high-performance   chanical analysis feature enables the   Researchers will now be able to access
                                                                     critical information  for an  array of
                                                                     applications, and develop safer, more   The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
               THE NEW DISCOVERY™ X3 DIFFERENTIAL                    powerful and longer-lasting batteries.
             HYBRID RHEOMETERS AND TAM IV MICRO XL                   For more information, contact Dayamani
          ISOTHERMAL MICROCALORIMETER SUPPORT THE                    Santosh, Sr Admin Officer, Customer
             DEVELOPMENT OF NEXT-GENERATION, HIGH                    Experience Marketing, Email: day-
             PERFORMANCE MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS.            or visit www.

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