Page 52 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 52


                                 More efficient and effective

                      Japanese automotive major Toyota has developed a new paint atomizer – which it
                                      claims – has over 95 percent coating efficiency.

                         oyota Motor Corporation
                         (Toyota) has developed a
                         new type of paint atom-
                  Tizer (airless paint atomizer)
                  that uses static electricity instead of
                  air, to replace the conventional air
                  paint atomizers used in the vehicle
                  body painting process. The newly
                  developed airless painter, the first
                  of its kind in the world*, achieves   | Conventional Air Paint Atomizer  | New Airless Paint Atomizer
                  over 95 percent coating efficiency   Features of airless paint   other instruments that spray fine
                  (the amount of paint sprayed versus   atomizer                 amounts of liquid; here, we ap-
                  the amount that actually adheres   Conventional  air  paint  atomizer   plied it to vehicle body paint-
                  onto the vehicle body), the highest   sprayed paint primarily using aero-  ing. Specifically, the tip of the
                  in the world*, from conventional ef-  dynamic force, then paint the vehi-  paint sprayer is cylindrical. Ap-
                  ficiency of approximately 60 to 70   cle body with the atomized particles   proximately 600 special grooves
                  percent.                      using an air paint atomizer. For this   are inserted into the tip, which
                     By deploying the airless paint   reason, paint particles are scattered   is rotated to create a centrifugal
                  atomizer in  Toyota Group’s paint-  by the air ricocheting off the vehicle   force, inducing the paint to flow
                  ing process, it is expected that the   body, resulting in a coating efficiency   into the grooves and atomize
                  Group can reduce its CO2 emissions   of approximately 60 to 70 percent.   through static electricity. In this
                  by about seven percent. In addition,   By comparison, the new airless paint   way, we developed the world’s
                  the collection device situated at the   atomizer uses electricity to spray the   first technology that paints ve-
                  bottom of the paint booth (the area   paint (electrostatic atomization), and   hicle bodies with atomized paint
                  where paint is sprayed) can be made   the statically charged particles coat   particles using static electricity.
                  more compact. Therefore, it is able   in such a way that they gravitate to-  2.  Highly accurate current control
                  to make painting production lines   ward the vehicle body (electrostatic   that makes close-range painting
                  more compact for the future.  painting). Electrostatic atomization   possible: The unevenness of the
                     Toyota is advancing initiatives   and electrostatic painting technolo-  vehicle body causes the distance
                  to achieve its Plant Zero CO2 Emis-  gies greatly reduce the number of at-  between the cylindrical head and
                  sions Challenge, one of the targets   omized particles that scatter, thereby   the vehicle body to fluctuate, mak-
                  included  in the  Toyota Environ-  achieving a higher coating efficiency.  ing the electrical current unstable.
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  mental Challenge 2050 announced                                However, the airless paint atom-
                  in 2015. As part of this effort, it   New technologies that    izer constantly monitors the varia-
                  developed the airless paint atomizer   achieve high coating    tions in current and automatically
                  and deployed it at both Takaoka and   efficiency               controls the voltage, maintaining
                  Tsutsumi Plants. Gradual deploy-  1.  The tip of the airless paint atom-  a distance of approximately 10
                  ment at other plants is planned as   izer features a rotating cylindrical   centimeters between the cylin-
                  well as consideration of deployment   head that optimize the amount   drical head and the vehicle body.
                  among other Toyota Group compa-  of paint sprayed: Electrostatic   Hence, electrostatic atomization
                  nies and licensing the technology to   atomization  technology  is used   and electrostatic painting under a
                  other companies.                 in beauty treatment devices and   fixed current is rendered possible,
                                                                                 in turn preventing variation in the
                     “BY DEPLOYING THE AIRLESS PAINT ATOMIZER IN                 size of the paint particles–the re-
                   TOYOTA GROUP’S PAINTING PROCESS, IT IS EXPECTED               sult is high-quality painting.
                    THAT THE GROUP CAN REDUCE ITS CO2 EMISSIONS               Source: Toyota
                                BY ABOUT SEVEN PERCENT.”                      *As of March 2020, according to Toyota
                                                                              Motor Corporation.

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