Page 49 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 49


                        Because every gram counts

               A provider of vibration technology and plastics applications for the automotive
               industry has joined hands with a speciality chemicals company to create an all-
                                           plastic brake pedal.

             n a battery-electric sports                                     Tapes are thin plastic
             car, every gram of weight                                    strips with unidirectionally
             counts. That is why the                                      oriented, high-strength con-
         Ifirst mass-production ve-                                       tinuous fiber systems em-
          hicle in this segment is using                                  bedded in the thermoplastic
          an all-plastic brake pedal. This                                matrix. Multiple tapes with
          safety-critical  component                                      glass-fiber rovings are used in
          has been developed by Boge                                      the brake pedal to reinforce
          Elastmetall GmbH, a global                                      the bottomside of the compo-
          provider of vibration technol-                                  nent. Since the tapes and the
          ogy and plastics applications                                   Tepex insert consist of mutu-
          for the automotive industry,                                    ally compatible plastic matri-
          in close cooperation with the                                   ces, the tapes can simply be
          Lanxess High Performance                                        welded onto the Tepex insert
          Materials (HPM) business unit. It   Dr.  Klaus  Vonberg,  an  expert  in   using  a laser.  This results  in tailor-
          owes its high mechanical strength   lightweight design at HPM’s Tepex   made laminates with fiber layers that
          and very low weight to a thermo-  Automotive Group.        follow the load paths precisely and
          plastic composite  design. Its struc-                      are adapted to the exact load-specific
          ture comprises an insert made from   Precise combination of   component  requirements.  The  cov-
          Tepex dynalite, a continuous-fiber-  fiber layers arranged in   ering layers of the insert with their
          reinforced thermoplastic composite   various orientations  45° fiber layers, combined with the
          from Lanxess, and several tapes.  The fully consolidated semi-finished   tapes on top, thereby ensure the high
            “The composite structure makes   products Tepex dynalite have a ther-  torsional strength of the pedal.
          the brake pedal 50 percent lighter   moplastic matrix that is typically
          than a comparable steel design. The   reinforced with layers of continuous   Four brake pedal versions
          structural component meets the de-  glass-fiber fabric. The brake pedal   in series production
          manding load requirements thanks   for the battery-electric sports car   “This tailor-made fiber-layer struc-
          to the tailor-made fiber-layer con-  uses a composite structure with a   ture and the combination of organic
          struction of the  Tepex insert and   polyamide 6 matrix, which contains   sheets and tapes have made it possi-
          additional local tape reinforcement.   unidirectional fiber layers inside and   ble to reduce brake pedal weight even
          Extensive  automation  allows  the   fabric layers with fibers arranged at   further while simultaneously achiev-
          geometrically complex safety-critical   45° angles on the two covering lay-  ing the exceptionally high level of
          component to be manufactured effi-  ers. The inner layers are what give   mechanical characteristics that such
          ciently and in a way that is suitable   the component its excellent tensile   a safety-critical component needs to
          for large-scale production,” explains   and bending strength.  provide,” says Dr. Daniel Häffelin
                                                                     from the Innovation Center at Boge
            “THE COMPOSITE STRUCTURE MAKES THE BRAKE                 Elastmetall. There are currently four
            PEDAL 50 PERCENT LIGHTER THAN A COMPARABLE               different brake pedal designs in mass
                                                                     production  based on an all-plastic
             STEEL DESIGN. THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENT                  version. For all component versions,   The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
             MEETS THE DEMANDING LOAD REQUIREMENTS                   the load paths are also optimized to
               THANKS TO THE TAILOR-MADE FIBER-LAYER                 suit the various torsion directions.
               ADDITIONAL LOCAL TAPE REINFORCEMENT.”                 Automated processing of
           Dr. Klaus Vonberg, an expert in lightweight design at HPM’s   tapes and Tepex
                          Tepex Automotive Group.                    The brake pedals are manufactured
                                                                     in an automated process using hy-

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