Page 53 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 53


                            Over the top innovation

              Two companies have signed an agreement to jointly scale the commercialization
                       of a unique solar-powered roof for the electric vehicle market.

               ightyear  and  Royal  DSM
               have signed an agreement to                              “THE COMPANIES
               jointly scale the commercial-                           ARE TEAMING UP TO
         Lization of Lightyear’s unique                                ASSESS THE MARKET,
          solar-powered roof for the electric                            STARTING WITH
          vehicle market.  With this solution,                           PILOT PROJECTS
          both companies aim to accelerate the                           FOR CUSTOMERS
          global adoption of a broad range of                               FROM THE
          Electric Vehicles (EVs).
            Specifically, the partnership aims                          AUTOMOTIVE AND
          to integrate solar-powered roofs in a   | DSM and Lightyear join forces to scale the   PUBLIC TRANSPORT
          variety of electric vehicles, including   commercialization of integrated solar roofs for   SECTOR, WHERE THE
          cars, vans and buses - thus enabling   the electric vehicle market. Photo: Lightyear  INTEGRATION OF A
          users to charge their vehicle directly                       SOLAR ROOF COULD
          with clean energy. The companies   One. Lightyear One is set to be the   REPRESENT A SMART
          are  teaming up  to assess  the  mar-  world’s most efficient long-range solar   INVESTMENT.”
          ket, starting with pilot projects for   car when it launches in 2021 – with
          customers from the automotive and   a WLTP range of 725km. Featuring
          public transport sector, where the   five square meters of integrated solar   cal (cell-to-module) losses not only
          integration of a solar roof could rep-  cells protected by double-curved and   delivers a three percent increase in
          resent a smart investment.   super-strong safety glass, the solar   power output; it has the added ad-
            Today, the global EV market has   roof  captures sunlight continually   vantage  of  contributing  to  a  more
          enormous growth potential. It was   whether the car is moving or station-  stylish sunroof with aesthetic appeal.
          valued at $160-plus billion in 2019;   ary. The result is that in optimized   Pascal de Sain,  Vice President
          and is projected to reach $800-plus   vehicles like Lightyear One, the solar   DSM Advanced Solar: “By step-
          billion by 2027 according to inter-  roof can deliver enough energy to   ping up our collaboration with
          national market assessments from   cover an average of 70 percent to 90   Lightyear we are creating an entirely
          Bloomberg,  IDTechEx  and  TIME.   percent of the yearly mileage.  new market for ‘lossless’ high power
          To accelerate this growth, the EV   DSM’s Conductive backsheet is   back-contact  technology - with the
          industry now needs to overcome the   an integral element of the solar roof   potential to change the face of clean
          twin  hurdles  of  limited  range  and   - enabling all the connections of the   mobility and make a big impact on
          grid-dependency.             solar cells to be put on the back of   climate change.  We look forward
            The  alliance  between  Lightyear   the solar panel - thus making every   to bringing more  than a  decade of
          and DSM addresses this need by   available centimeter on the front of   market and scientific leadership in
          enabling various EVs to increase   the module available for  capturing   solar to this collaboration. Our goal
          their range through energy harvested   sunlight. The reduction  in electri-  is simple; to make clean, solar energy
          directly from the sun. The                                      a reality for all.”
          integration of a solar roof is                                     Martijn    Lammers,
          expected to be a good invest-                                   Lightyear’s Chief of Strategy
          ment in multiple EV market                                      and Co-Founder: “We want
          segments.                                                       to revolutionise the way that   The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                                                                          people  travel. By  scaling  up
          Technology devel-                                               the accessibility of our solar
          oped for Lightyear                                              technology through our part-
          One                                                             nership with DSM, we can
          This technology was initially                                   accelerate the mass adoption
          developed  by  Lightyear  for   | Left: Martijn Lammers - Chief Strategy Officer Lightyear, and Right: Pascal   of electric vehicles by making
          the solar panels of Lightyear   de Sain - Vice President DSM Advanced Solar. Photo: Lightyear.  them sun-powered.”

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