Page 50 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 50


                  brid molding in short cycle times
                  suitable  for  large-scale  production.   “THIS TAILOR-MADE FIBER-LAYER STRUCTURE AND
                  The method integrates draping of   THE COMBINATION OF ORGANIC SHEETS AND TAPES
                  the Tepex insert and the tapes in the   HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE BRAKE PEDAL
                  subsequent injection molding pro-  WEIGHT EVEN FURTHER WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY
                  cess. The first stage of production   ACHIEVING THE EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH LEVEL OF
                  involves aligning the tapes precisely   MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT SUCH A
                  using optical measuring systems and
                  then positioning them on the Tepex   SAFETY-CRITICAL COMPONENT NEEDS TO PROVIDE.”
                  insert so that they can be welded to   Dr. Daniel Häffelin from the Innovation Center at Boge Elastmetall.
                  it. This assembly is thermoformed
                  and then back-molded with poly-  clude front-end systems and bumper   much lighter than such alternatives,
                  amide 66 by an injection molding   beams, brackets for electrical and   but the hybrid molding method
                  process.                      electronic modules, trunks and spare   used means that they also enable
                                                wheel wells, battery housings and   functions such as guides, holders and
                  High-strength structural      covers, structural components in the   fasteners to be integrated in a way
                  components for electric       vehicle’s  ‘greenhouse’  section  and   that saves weight, energy and costs.
                  vehicles                      structural trims in the underbody   With components of this type, there
                  New opportunities are opening up   area to protect the battery.”  is no need for time-consuming fur-
                  in the field of electric vehicles for   The low carbon footprint rela-  ther processing such as deburring or
                  thermoplastic composite structures   tive to metal-based structures is an-  post-process tapping, as this is typi-
                  with tailored fiber orientation. Ac-  other point in favor of the composite   cal for metal parts.
                  cording to  Vonberg, “Examples of   design with Tepex and tapes. Ther-
                  applications for  Tepex inserts in-  moplastic composites are not only   Source: Lanxess

                                            Encouraging Innovation

                        A global tier one supplier has recently launched an Advanced Open Innovation
                                           & Ecosystem Acceleration Program.

                     s a strategic response to the rapid transformation hap-  tive and breakthrough ideas.
                  Apening in the Automotive industry and to maintain   With the online challenge coinciding with the pan-
                  competitive  edge,  Faurecia  -  India  recently  launched  a   demic spread and subsequent unprecedented lockdown in
                  comprehensive framework spanning Strategy, Ideation   the country, it’s been about new learnings and improvisa-
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  and imbibing Innovation Culture. This strategic Initiative   tion in reaching and engaging students as well as Faure-
                  is more important than ever while the industry is facing   cians, for their participation.
                  an existential crisis because of Covid-19 pandemic. This   Thanks to technology, the company is actively connect-
                  initiative is aptly named as NOVUS X.0 – An Advanced   ing with the students and Faurecia professionals (including
                  Open Innovation & Ecosystem Acceleration Program.   manufacturing personnel) across the country through webi-
                     As part of the Phase 1 of this initiative, Faurecia intends   nars, social media, e-coffee meets, to introduce, explain and
                  to leverage the vast pool of students across finest Engineer-  re-energize the community to unleash their creativity to best
                  ing / Technology Institutes and Universities across India   utilize the time and contribute towards the future of mobil-
                  and APAC. Faurecia has extended this opportunity to stu-  ity to make it more futuristic, safe, affordable & sustainable.
                  dent community via an online Open Innovation challenge   Students and Faurecians  can participate by submit-
                  – Producathon, launched on 18th February 2020 and is   ting their ideas, related to the problem statements defined
                  currently ongoing.  It is also open for Faurecia’s internal   in nine domains, aligned with the megatrends disrupting
                  employees parallelly across sites in India and APAC.   the Automotive Industry, such as Safety, Personalization,
                     With Sustainable Mobility & Cockpit of the Future at   Comfort, Health & Wellness, Connectivity and so on.
                  the core of the company’s strategic transformation, NO-  Faurecia is inviting all students to be part of NOVUS
                  VUS X.0 Producathon, is designed to invoke new, disrup-  X.0 Producathon.

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