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                                                              By MICHAEL MESCALL

           The annual quiz, in memory of the
        late Eileen O’Halloran, took place on
        October 23rd in Teach Ceoil, Kilrush.
        The winners were Cree N.S. with
        Clohanes in second place and Moveen
        N.S. in third place. Seventeen schools
        entered the quiz and the music venue  Members of the West Clare Walk Committee: Michael Mescall, Vincent O’Halloran, Carmel McCormack, Colin Mackenzie
        was   packed   to  capacity  with                         (IKA National Treasurer) and Peggy Eustace.
        supporters, parents and teachers of the  Peggy Eustace extended a warm  Hospital Limerick. There has been
        competing schools.                  welcome to the renal patients,      positive feedback from the patients
           We congratulate Anne and Vincent  transplant recipients, their carers,  who have acknowledged the support
        O’Halloran on their organisation and  branch members and our volunteers.  and encouragement rendered by the
        smooth running of the event. They   The invited guests were Mayor of Clare  nurses. It is a wonderful facility, she
        were assisted by our Chairperson    Bill Chambers and his wife Marian, IKA  concluded, which branch members had
        Peggy Eustace and Carmel McCormack  interim National Treasurer Colin    been campaigning for over many years.
        on the day.                         Mackenzie and his wife Patricia, Brother  Sally spoke along similar lines, in
           Ann Hayes proved to be a very    Isadore Cronin, Guardian at Ennis Friary  particular on the benefits available to
        capable and entertaining quiz mistress  and Sally Hogan, staff nurse in the  the patients.
        on the afternoon. The quiz is an annual  haemodialysis department at University  The Mayor commended the branch
        event in the calendar of the Clare  Hospital Limerick.                  for the work they do in fundraising
        branch of the IKA and has grown in    The meal, music and dancing was   especially in relation to the West Clare
        popularity over the years. Major credit  enjoyed by all who attended. Peggy  Walk. He had a special words of praise
        for this goes to Vincent and Anne who  gave a brief outline on the work of the  for Peggy who spearheaded and
        pioneered the quiz in memory of their  IKA. She thanked our branch members  organised  the  social  with  her
        late daughter Eileen.               and the volunteers for their support  Committee and he wished the branch
                                            during the year with our donor      all the best for 2017.
        CHRISTMAS SOCIAL                    awareness campaign and fundraising    On behalf of the Board of the IKA
           Our annual Christmas social was  initiatives.  Peggy  made  specific  Colin Mackenzie spoke about the
        held on December 4th at the Old     reference to the new haemodialysis unit  ongoing work of the IKA, particularly
        Ground Hotel, Ennis. Chairperson    which recently opened at University  organ donor awareness, patient

         Jedi McHugh, Mary Sheehan, Sally Hogan, Mary Downes, IKA Limerick branch Secretary  Mayor of Clare Bill Chambers, Sally Hogan, Joseph McCarthy and Martin Keogh at the
                    and Sandra Dillon, IKA Limerick branch Chairperson.        Clare branch Christmas social.
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