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                                                            By PATRICIA MACKENZIE

              LADIES’ DAY OUT

                                            Seasons Greetings to all.           massive black-out affecting a large area
                                                                                of Fingal.
                                            NEXT MEETING                          Just as we were about to ‘abandon
                                              The next branch meeting of Dublin  ship’, the lights came on again. In
                                            North will be held in the Renal Support  spite of this unexpected ‘blip’ the
                                            Centre, Beaumont Hospital on Tuesday  show went ahead and the afternoon
                                            January 30th, 2017 at 7.30pm. All   was a great success.
                                            members and friends are invited to start  Our thanks to Red Hurley and the
                                            the New Year with us.               artists who coped with all difficulties,
                                                                                and were willing to return on a later
                                            LADIES’ DAY OUT                     date if the show could not be
                                              The     White    Sands    Hotel,  completed because of power cuts.
                                            Portmarnock, provided the setting for  Our thanks to the White Sands
                                            this year’s ‘Ladies’ Day Out’ on October  Hotel and staff for their excellent
                                            20th. 130 beautifully dressed ladies  catering and service and not least to
                                            enjoyed a Champagne reception,      all our ladies who so generously
                                            followed by a 4-course lunch, Fashion  supported us.
                                            Show and ‘Best Dressed Lady’          We raised over €5000 for the IKA
                                            Competition. This was to be followed  as a result of this brilliant event. Yet
                                            by entertainment featuring Red Hurley  again, a truly memorable event.
                                            and Sisters of Sound, BUT suddenly the  Our thanks to Ann Burke and her
                                            lights went out and we were left in  team for all their dedication and hard
                                            candlelit gloom. This was due to a  work.

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