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Gerry Moran, Patricia Mackenzie, Michael Mescall, Vincent O’Halloran, Mayor of Clare Bill Chambers, Carmel McCormack  Nancy and Patsy Riordan
                                     and Colin Mackenzie
        support for renal patients and their  Centre at the direction of the   who is actively involved in the branch,
        families, and he emphasised that the  Committee.                       gave birth to a baby girl named Nora.
        success of this work is only brought  Among the attendees at the social  We congratulate both sets of parents on
        about through the hard work of the  were Executive members of our      their wonderful and delightful events
        individual branches. He thanked all the  neighbouring Limerick branch, Sandra  and extend best wishes for a long and
        members of the Clare branch for their  Dillon, Chairperson and Mary Downes,  happy life to all the newborn infants.
        hard work in their fundraising projects  Secretary together with Transplant  Comhghairdeas agus go maire siad I
        and in promoting organ donor       Games medallist Mary Sheehan and her  bhfad.
        awareness and he thanked, in       sister, Jedi. Following the presentation
        particular, the IKA West Clare Walk  and speeches a long night of dancing  BEREAVEMENTS
        Committee for their hugely valuable  ensued which was thoroughly enjoyed  We extend our deepest sympathies
        contribution through the walk over the  by the packed audience.        to the family of the late James Davis,
        past 17 years.                                                         Kilcoran, Ennistymon. May he rest in
           Colin’s wife Patricia is one of the  CONGRATULATIONS                peace. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
        Managers in the IKA Renal Support     Congratulations to our Treasurer  dílis.
        Centre at Beaumont Hospital. She   Gerard Moran and his wife Martina on
        spoke at length on the facilities  becoming grandparents for the first time  CHRISTMAS GREETINGS
        available at the centre, the format of  recently, with the arrival of beautiful  The branch wishes to take this
        the centre and how it functions on a  twin boys namely Evan and Jack. Not to  opportunity to thank all our members
        daily basis. Coincidentely on the night  be outdone congratulations are all also  and supporters for all their help and
        Vincent O’Halloran, Chairman of the  in order to our Chairperson Peggy  support throughout the year. We wish
        West Clare Walk Committee presented  Eustace and her husband Val who   everybody a happy Christmas and a
        a cheque for the sum of €11,079.81  became grandparents for the second  peaceful New Year. Nollaig faoi shéan
        to Colin, which is earmarked for the  time when their daughter Bernadette,  agus faoi mhaise daoibh go léir.

                      Linda Fitzgerald, Martin and Mary Abbott         Mayor of Clare Bill Chambers with Ann and Paddy Bradley
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