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 3 2 . DSD -  Department of Sports Development
 3 3 . DSSD -  Department of Student Services and Development
 3 4 . DU -  Delivery Unit
 3 5 . EP -  Extension Program
 3 6 . GADRRC -  Gender and Development, Research Resource Center
 3 7 . GASS -  General Administration and Support Services
 3 8 . GFPS- GAD Focal Point System
 3 9 . HDU -  Head of Delivery Unit
 4 0 . HEP -  Higher Education Program
 4 1 . HSU -  Head of Service Unit
 4 2 . IAS-Internal Audit Services
 4 3 . IATF -  Inter-Agency Task Force
 4 4 . ICT- Information and Communication Technology
 4 5 . IRT-GIAHS -  Ifugao Rice Terraces - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System
 4 6 .  KRA -  Key Results Area
 4 7 . NBC -  National Budget Circular
 4 8  . OCED -  Office of the Campus Executive Director
 4 9 . OP -  Office President
 5 0 . OP-EA -  Office of the President -  Executive Assistant
 51.0U B S -O ffice of the University and Board Secretary
 5 2 . OVPA -  Office of the Vice President for Administration
 5 3 . OVPAA -  Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
 5 4 . OVPPFRG -  Office of the Vice President for Planning, Finance and Resource Generation
 5 5 . OVPRDET-Office of the Vice President for Research and Development, Extension and Training
 5 6 . PPP -  Program Performance Profile
 5 7 . RP -  Research Program
 5 8 . STO -  Support to Operations
 5 9 . SU -  Service Unit

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