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 Organizational Outcome:
 Relevant and quality tertiary education  ensured to achieve inclusive growth and access of deserving but poor students to quality tertiary education
 increased Advanced Education
 Indicator  Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance  Responsible
            Unit                             Unit          Indicator       Individual
 K R A I-Q u a lity    Percentage of   Percentage  of   OVPAA,   Percentage of   DQuA,  No. of proposed/   VPAA,CEDs
 Programs  undergraduate and   undergraduate and   OP, OCED  undergraduate and   Colleges  revised policies/
 Objective 1.  To   graduate programs   graduate programs   graduate  programs   guidelines/ PPAs to
 assure quality o f   granted with   granted  with   granted with   assure quality of
 programs  accreditation  accreditation  accreditation  programs
 Percentage of   Percentage of   OVPAA,   Percentage of   DQuA,
 undergraduate and   undergraduate and   OP, OCED  undergraduate and   Colleges  No of policies/   DQUA,OP
 graduate programs   graduate programs   graduate  programs   guidelines/ PPAS   personnel,
 granted with COPC by   granted  with COPC   granted  with COPC   implemented to   CED
 CHED  by CHED        by CHED                        ensure quality of
 No.  of program(s) with   No. of program(s) with   OVPAA,  OP,   Percentage of   DQuA,  programs in the
 COE/COD  COE/COD  OCED  programs granted  with   Colleges  unlv/campus
 No.  of Programs Certified  No. of Programs   OVPAA,  OP,   No.  of Programs   DQuA,  No. of PPAs   Deans,
 a.  Regional/National  Certified  OCED  Certified  Colleges  conducted to ensure   Chairpersons,
 b.  International  a.  Regional/National  a.  Regional/National  quality of programs in   Assigned
 b.  International   b.  International               the college         Faculty

                                                     Other Pis for       Assigned
                                                     employee (Refer to   Faculty
                                                     2019 TOR)
 KRA 2 -Q u a lity    Percentage of graduates   Percentage of   OVPAA,  OP,   Percentage of   DAA,  No of proposed/   VPAA,CEDs
 Graduates  (2 years prior) that are   graduates (2 years   OCED  graduates (2 years   Colleges  revised policies/
 Objective: To   employed  prior) that are   prior) that are   guidelines or PPAs to
 ensure effective   employed  employed               ensure quality of
 student lifecycle                                   graduates leading to
 m anagem ent and                                    increase in
                                                     employment rate
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110