Page 109 - Area X - G
P. 109

C                                                        C

                                                     faculty and students  Chairpersons,
                                                     (in licensure       Assigned
                                                     examination,        Faculty
                                                     enrolment, IM
                                                     approval, and
                                                     doctorate degree
 KRA 4. Globally-  % of students involved in  % of students involved  OVPAA,  % of students involved  DCD,  No. of  VPAA, CEDs
 com petitive  inter-country mobility  in inter-country  CEDs  in inter-country  Colleges  proposed/revised
 Students  mobility  mobility                        policies/guidellnes/
 Objective  4.  To                                   PPAs to ensure
 integrate                                           globally competitive
 internationalization                                students
 towards global                                      No.  of PPAs         DCD, CEDs
 connectedness                                       conducted to ensure    Deans
                                                     globally competitive
                                                     students in the

                                                     % of students           DCD
                                                     for inter-country
 KRA 5. M odernized  Percentage of clients who  Percentage of clients  OVPAA,  Percentage of clients  All Student  No. of  VPAA, CEDs
 Facilities and  rated services as  who rated services as  OCED  who rated services as  Service  proposed/revised
 Quality Students  satisfactory using the  satisfactory using the  satisfactory using the  Units and  policies/ guidelines or
 Services  client's feedback form  client's feedback form  client's feedback form  Colleges  PPAs to ensure
 Objectives.  To                                     modernize facilities
 strengthen student                                  and quality services
 welfare services fo r                               for students
 a successful
 academic                                            No. of PPAs           Director,
 form ation of                                       conducted in the     CEDs,  Deans

   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114