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                                          career                                                                                                     No. of              Director
                                          development                                                                                                policies/guidelines/   DAA, CED,
                                                                                                                                                     PPAs  implemented to   Deans
                                                                                                                                                     ensure high
                                                                                                                                                     employability of
                                                                                                                                                     graduates (in univ/
                                                                                                                                                                         DAA,  Deans,
                                                                                                                                                     Completed Tracer    Alumni
                                                                                                                                                     Study in all programs   Chairperson,
                                                                                                                                                     of the University   Assigned
                                          KRA 3 Quality     Percentage of first-time  Percentage of first-  OVPAA,  OP,  Percentage of first-  DQuA,  No. of proposed/   VPAA,CEDs
                                          Faculty and       licensure examination  time licensure       OCED        time licensure       Colleges    revised policies/
                                          Students          takers that pass the   examination takers               examination takers               guidelines or PPAs
                                          Objective 3.  To  licensure exam         that pass the licensure          that pass the licensure          submitted to improve
                                          provide unique and                       exam                             exam                             the quality of faculty
                                          lifelong learning  Percentage of         Percentage of        OVPAA,      Percentage of        DRAS,       and students
                                          experience in the  undergraduate student  undergraduate student  CEDs     undergraduate student  Colleges
                                          entire student life  population enrolled in  population enrolled in       population enrolled in           No. of policies/    OP Staff,
                                          cycle             CHED-identified and RDC-  CHED-identified and           CHED-identified and              guidelines/ PPAs    DQUA, CEDs,
                                                            identified priority    RDC-identified  priority         RDC-identified  priority         Implemented to      Deans
                                                            courses/ programs      courses/ programs                courses/ programs                increase/lmprove:
                                                             Percentage of graduate  Percentage of      OVPAA,      Percentage of           DRAS,     a.  Licensure
                                                             student population     graduate students   OCED        graduate student         CAE         examination
                                                             enrolled in research   enrolled in research            population enrolled in            b.  Enrolment in
                                                             degree programs        degree programs                 research degree                      Priority
                                                                                                                    programs                             Courses/research
                                                            No of IMs approved     No of IMs approved   OVPAA,  OP,  No of IMs approved  DQUA            programs
                                                                                                        CEDs                             Colleges     c.  IM Approved
                                                                                                                                                      d.  Faculty with
                                                            Percentage of faculty  Percentage of faculty  OVPAA,    Percentage of faculty  Colleges      doctorate degree
                                                            who are doctorate degree  who are doctorate  CEDs       who are doctorate
                                                            holders                degree holders                   degree holders                   No of PPAs conducted  Director,
                                                                                                                                                     to ensure quality of  Deans,

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