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                                          KRA &         University Performance          OPCR-DELIVERY UNITS                 OPCR-SERVICE UNITS                    INDIVIDUAL
                                          Objective     indicator                    Performance       Responsible      Performance     Responsible Unit  Performance    Responsible
                                                                                      Indicator           Unit           Indicator                         Indicator      Individual
                                          K R A I-G o o d  Maintain Good Governance  Maintain Good   OP, OVPA,       Maintain good     Directors under  No, of         OP, OVPA
                                          Governance    Conditions per IATF  Memo  Governance        OVPPFRG        governance         OP, OVPA and     policies/guideli  OVPFRG
                                           To ensure    Circular:                Conditions per IATF                conditions as per  OVPFRG  in-      nes proposed to
                                          efficient,                             Memo Circular:                     area of            charge of the    intensify good
                                          transparent   a.Timely update of the   a.Timely update of the             responsibility in the  IATF condition  governance
                                          and           following:               following:                         required IATF                       systems and
                                          accountable     -   Transparency Seal       Transparency                  Circular such  as:                  practices in the
                                          delivery o f    -   Philgeps Posting        Seal                          a.Timely update of                  University in
                                          administrative     Citizens Charter         Philgeps Posting              the following:                      relation to the
                                          services with  b. ISO Certified             Citizens Charter                    Transparency  DPI M           following
                                          95% client    c. Attained required target:  b. ISO Certified                    Seal                          reports:
                                          satisfaction  -BAR (GAA targets)       c. Attained required                 -   Philgeps     BAC              -  FAR
                                          rating in all  - FAR (100%  BUR)       target:                                  Posting                       -  Financial Plan
                                          administrative  -COA (30% of full      -FAR (100%  BUR)                         Citizens     DHRDand          -  ISO
                                          offices       Implementation of prior  -COA (30% of full                        Charter      frontline offices  Certification
                                                        year's audit             implementation of                  b.  ISO Certified  DQUA,            -  BAR
                                                        recommendation)          prior year's audit                 c. Attained required                -  System  of
                                                        - Early procurement (50%)  recommendation)                  target:                               Ranking
                                                                                - Early procurement                 - FAR (100%  BUR)  DFS              -  APP
                                                        d. Timely submission of  (50%)                              -COA (30% of full  ICU              -  Citizen's
                                                        Procurement requirements  d. Timely submission              implementation  of                    Charter
                                                           -   APP               of Procurement                     prior year's audit                  -  SALN
                                                           -   APCPI             requirements                       recommendation)                     -  FOI
                                                               Early procurement    -   APP                         - Early procurement  BAC            -  COA
                                                                                    -   APCPI                       (50%)
                                                        e. Complied the             -   Early                       d. Timely                           Conduct of     Directors under
                                                        requirements of the ff:        procurement                  submission of      BAC              required  PPAS  OP, OVPA and
                                                        - SALN                                                      Procurement                         to ensure      OVPFRG  & CEDs
                                                        -FOI                    e. Complied the                     requirements                        satisfaction of
                                                                                requirements of the ff:              -   APP                            the good

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