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                                         GOAL 3 -  SUSTAINABLE EXTENSION AND COM M UNITY ENGAGEMENT
                                         ______ Organizational Outcome:  Community engagement increased
                                          KRA & Objective          University               OPCR-DELIVERY UNITS             OPCR-SERVICE UNITS                 INDIVIDUAL
                                                                   Performance            Performance     Responsible    Performance     Responsible    Performance     Responsible
                                                                   Indicator               Indicator         Unit         Indicator         Unit          Indicator      Individual
                                          KRA1. Relevant Extension                                                                                    No. of proposed/   VPRDET, DET
                                          Activities                                                                                                  revised policies/
                                          Objective 1.  To package and                                                                                guidelines or PPAs
                                          transfer knowledge and                                                                                      to establish
                                          technologies relevant to the                                                                                relevant extension
                                          needs o f clientele achieving                                                                               activities
                                          a 95% satisfaction rating
                                          from  clients o f extension                                                                                 Monitor and      Director,  CED,
                                          services                                                                                                    evaluate         Chairperson,
                                                                                                                                                      accomplishment by  Dean
                                                                   No. of technology-  No. of technology-  OVPRDET,   No. of technology-  DET          No. of TBIs     DET, Assigned
                                                                   business incubation  business incubation  OCED     business incubation              established        faculty
                                                                   center             center                          center
                                                                   No. of adopters    No. of adopters    OVPRDET,     No. of adopters   DET            No. of PPAs      DET  Director
                                                                                                         OCED                                          conducted  to     and Staff
                                                                   No.  of viable     No. of viable      OVPRDET,     No.  of viable    DET            ensure the
                                                                   demonstration      demonstration      OCED         demonstration                    number of:
                                                                   projects (with IRR)  projects (with IRR)           projects (with IRR)              -adopters
                                                                   to be established  to be established               to be established                -viable demo
                                                                   (new)              (new)                           (new)                            projects
                                                                   No.  of research   No. of research    OVPRDET,     No. of research   DET, GIAHS,   - research outputs
                                                                   outputs            outputs            OCED         outputs           SWK            commercialized
                                                                   commercialized     commercialized                  commercialized                                     Assigned
                                                                   (new)              (new)                           (new)                           Other Pis refer to  personnel
                                                                   No. of technology  No. of technology  OVPRDET,     No. of technology  DET, GIAHS,   2019 TOR
                                                                   packaged (new)     packaged (new)     OCED         packaged (new)    SWK,  GAD

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