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                                                          No. of technology-based   No.  of technology-   OVPRDET,  No. of technology-   RD, Colleges  No.   of   research   Faculty
                                                          research  outputs     based research outputs  OCED      based  research outputs             conducted    with    assigned

                                                                                                                                                      No.  of  technology-   RD personnel
                                                                                                                                                      based    research
                                                          No. of researches     No.  of researches    OVPRDET,    No. of researches      RD, Colleges  No.   of   research   Faculty
                                                          presented             presented             OCED        presented                           presented            assigned

                                                                                                                                                      No.   of   research
                                                                                                                                                      assisted      for   RD personnel

                                          KRA &  Objective  University Performance      OPCR-DELIVERY UNITS               OPCR-SERVICE UNITS                    INDIVIDUAL
                                                           Indicator                 Performance      Responsible     Performance       Responsible     Performance      Responsible
                                                                                       Indicator          Unit          Indicator          Unit           Indicator       Individual
                                          KRA 2. Quality   Percentage of graduate                                                                    No. of policies/PPAs   VPRDET
                                          Research Outputs  school faculty engaged                                                                   proposed/con ducted
                                          Objective 2.  To   in research work applied                                                                to improve
                                          intensify conduct   in any of the following:                                                               engagement of
                                          o f research and   (a)  Pursuing advanced   Percentage of                Percentage of                     faculty in a, b,c,d
                                          dissemination o f    research degree    graduate school       VPRDET,    graduate school     CAE
                                          RD outputs to       programs (Ph.D.)    faculty engaged in     OCED      faculty engaged in                No. of faculty       CED,  Dean
                                          increase                                research  work applied           research  work applied            endorsed to pursue
                                          percentage of                           in any of the                    in any of the                     advanced research
                                          faculty members:                        following:                       following:                        degree
                                          •  Who actively                         a.Pursuing advanced             a)  Pursuing advanced
                                          pursue research by                      research degree                    research degree                 No. of research      Assigned
                                          12% every 3 years                      programs (Ph.D.)                   programs (Ph.D.)                 study for;            faculty
                                          period           b.     Actively        b. Actively publishing   VPRDET,  (b) Actively publishing  CAE     a)commercialization
                                          •  Who produce   publishing within the   within the last (3)   OCED      within the last (3)               of technology
                                          technologies fo r  last (3) years      years (investigative              years (investigative              produced,

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