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€                                                        C

 Percentage of research   Percentage of research   OVPRDET,  Percentage of research   RD, College,   %  of funded   Faculty
 outputs published in   outputs published   OCED  outputs published (such  GIAHS, SWK  research  published
 internationally research   (such as Elsevier   as Elsevier Scopus,
 journals and CHED   Scopus, Thomson   Thomson  Reuters
 accredited Journals  Reuters Journals, and   Journals, and CHED
 CHED accredited    accredited Journals
 No. of research  centers   No. of research  centers   OVPRDET,  No.  of research   RD,  GIAHS  No. of proposals   RD personnel
 established  established  OCED  centers established  submitted to
                                                      establish research
 No. of externally-funded   No.  of externally-   OVPRDET,  No.  of externally-   RD, Colleges  No.  of  proposals   RD  personnel,
 researches  funded  researches  OCED  funded researches  submitted   for   Faculty
                                                      funding             assigned
 No. of Inventions   No.  of inventions   OVPRDET,  No.  of inventions   RD, Colleges  No.   of   research  CEDs,  Dean
 pate nted/copy righted  pate nted/copy righted  OCED  pate nted/copy righted  output endorsed for

                                                      No.   of   research  Faculty
                                                      output   submitted  assigned
                                                      for  patenting/  UM/

                                                      No.   of   research   RD personnel
                                                      output  assisted  for
                                                      patenting/   UM/
 No. of citations  No. of citations  OVPRDET,  No. of citations  RD,  Colleges  No.  of  citations  of  Faculty
     OCED                                             research            assigned

                                                      No.   of   research   RD personnel
                                                      assisted   to   gain

   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120