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commercialization (investigative research, research, basic and research, basic and b)conduct of
or livelihood basic and applied applied scientific applied scientific extension program
improvement by scientific research, research, policy research, policy
10%, and policy research, social research, social research, social No. of monitoring RD personnel
• Whose research science research) or science research) or science research) or activities to ensure: univ
work resulted in (c)Producing (c)Producing VPRDET, (c)Producing CAE 1. faculty pursuing CED-College
an extension technologies fo r technologies fo r OCED technologies fo r advanced research Dean-faculty
program by 10%. commercialization or commercialization commercialization studies
livelihood improvement or livelihood or livelihood 2.faculty conducting
improvement improvement research
(d)Whose research (d) Whose research VPRDET, (d) Whose research CAE 3.faculty who will
work resulted in an work resulted in an OCED work resulted in an commercialize their
extension program extension program extension program technology
4.faculty conducting
extension program
indicator Performance Responsible Performance Responsible Performance Responsible
Indicator Unit Indicator Unit Indicator Individual
KRA 3. Conservation No. of IKresearch No. of IK research VPRDET No. of IKresearch GIAHS, No. of proposals VP, Director,
of the Cultural centers established centers established OCED centers established Colleges to establish IK
Heritage through centers to
Research conserve rich
Objective 3. To cultural heritage
conservation o f the
rich cultural heritage No. of PPAs GIAHS
conducted by IK personnel
Note: CSC Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2012, p. 7 (Guidelines on the Establishment of Agency SPMS) provides that, "Unless the work output of a particular
duty has been assigned pre-set standards by management, its standards shall be agreed upon by the supervisors and the ratees". Thus, performance
standards fo r functions performed by employees that are not found in this Table o f Reference or in the 2019 TOR shall be set and agreed upon by the
supervisor and the employee.