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 KRA 2. Volunteer Faculty   Number of trainees   Number of trainees   OVPRDET,  Number of trainees   DET, College,   No. of proposed   OVPRDET,
 and Students  weighted by the   weighted by the   OCED  weighted by the   GIAHS, SWK,   policies/guidelines/   DET
 Objective 2.  To create a   length of training  length of training  length of training  EYE CENTER  PPAs to encourage
 widely shared   Number of   Number of   OVPRDET,  Number of   DET, College,   culture of
 organizational culture that   extension programs   extension programs   OCED  extension programs   Eye Center  volunteerism from
 encourages, promotes,  and   organized and   organized and   organized and   faculty and
 rewards extension and   supported   supported   supported   students
 community engagements   consistent with the   consistent with the   consistent with the
 with 30 o f faculty and 100 o f  SUC's mandated and   SUC's  mandated and   SUC's  mandated   No. of proposed/   CEDs,  Deans
 students as volunteers   priority programs  priority programs  and priority   endorsed trainings
 annually             programs                       or extension
 Percentage of   Percentage of   OVPRDET,  Percentage of   DET, College,   programs in the
 beneficiaries who   beneficiaries who   OCED  beneficiaries who   GIAHS, SWK,   campus/college
 rate the training   rate the training   rate the training   EYE CENTER
 course/s and   course/s and   course/s and          No. of trainings
 advisory services as   advisory services as   advisory services as   conducted  Assigned
 satisfactory or   satisfactory or   satisfactory or                      Faculty
 higher in terms of   higher in terms of   higher in terms of   No. of extension
 quality and   quality and   quality and             programs            Assigned
 relevance  relevance  relevance                     Implemented          Faculty
 KRA S. Active Linkages  Number of active  Number of active  OVPRDET,  Number of active  DET,  Eye  No. of policies/  OVPRDET,
 Objective 3.  To  partnerships with  partnerships with  OCED  partnerships with  Center,  guidelines/ PPAs  DET
 establish/strengthen/sustain  LGUs, industries.  LGUs, industries,  LGUs, industries.  GIAHS,  proposed to
 linkages with LGUs,  NGOs,  NGAs, SMEs,  NGOs,  NGAs, SMEs,  NGOs,  NGAs, SMEs,  Colleges  ensure active
 industries,  and other  and other  and  other  and other  linkages     DET, CEDs,
 organizations/stakeholders  stakeholders as a  stakeholders as a  stakeholders as a  Deans
 fo r resource sharing,  result of extension  result of extension  result of extension  No. of MOAs/PPAs
 extension program,  and  activities  activities  activities  for linkages or
 service complementation                             partnership
 with increased number of
 active partners by 20%
 Note: CSC Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2012, p.  7 (Guidelines on the Establishment o f Agency SPMS) provides that,  "Unless the work output o f a particular
 duty  has  been  assigned  pre-set  standards  by  management,  its  standards  shall  be  agreed  upon  by  the  supervisors  and  the  ratees".  Thus,  performance
 standards fo r functions  performed by  employees  that are  not found in  this  Table  o f Reference  or in  the  2019  TOR shall be  set  and  agreed  upon  by  the
 supervisor and the employee.
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