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                                                                                                                                                         Timely Update   Personnel In­
                                                                                                                                                         of            charge
                                                                                                                                                         1. Transparency   DPIM
                                                                                                                                                         2. Citizen's   DHRD & frontline
                                                                                                                                                         Charter       offices
                                                                                                                                                         3.  Philgeps   BAC
                                                         % Client Satisfaction Rating  % of Client Satisfied   OP, OVPPFRG,   %  of Client Satisfied   All Service Units,   % of Client   All personnel
                                                                                 with services via the   OVPRDET,  OCED  with services via the   Colleges  Satisfied with
                                                                                 client feedback                     client feedback                     services via the
                                                                                 evaluation form                     evaluation form                     client feedback

                                          KRA&           University Performance       OPCR-DELIVERY UNITS                  OPCR-SERVICE UNITS                    INDIVIDUAL
                                          Objective      Indicator                 Performance       Responsible   Performance Indicator  Responsible   Performance     Responsible
                                                                                    Indicator           Unit                                Unit          Indicator      Individual
                                           K R A 2 -     funds/resource           funds/resource   OP, OVPA,          funds/resource       Directors   No. of PPAs    VPPFRG,
                                          Strong         outsourced in support to  outsourced in support  OVPPFRG  outsourced in support   assigned    proposed to    Directors,  CEDs,
                                          Network        instruction, research,   to instruction,  OCEDs          to instruction,  research,           ensure strong  Deans,  Assigned
                                          System and     extension,  resource   research, extension,                extension, resource   Deans assigned  network system   personnel
                                          Resource-      generation, and        resource generation,                  generation, and                  and resource
                                          Sharing        administration as a   and  administration  as              administration as a               sharing in AOR
                                          Objective:  To   result of                a  result of                   result of networking/
                                          strengthen the   networking/linkaging   networking/linkaging             linkaging with local and            No. of proposals   Personnel
                                          university's   with local and           with local and                       international                   submitted to   assigned
                                          local and      international             international                      organizations                   funding
                                          international   organizations           organizations                                                        agencies

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