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                                                         sue Rank (IFSU  vs.   SUC Rank (IFSU  vs. other   OP    SUC Rank (IFSU vs.      DQUA     No. of PPAs         Personnel of
                                                        other SUCs)           SUCs)                              other SUCs)                      conducted to       Assigned Unit
                                                         Higher by 2 notches   Higher by 2 notches from          Higher by 2 notches              ensure higher rank
                                                        from year 2018        year 2018                          from year 2018                   as compared from
                                                                                                                                                  2018 rank
                                                        SUC Leveling (by CHED)  SUC Leveling (by CHED)  Head of   SUC Leveling (by CHED)  Secretariat  No.   of   PPAs   SUC Leveling
                                                                                                         SUC                              of      conducted      in   Committee
                                                                                                       Leveling                        Committee   relation   to   SUC   Members
                                                                                                      Committee                        and  Dept   Leveling
                                                                                                                                                  Timely  submission   All Involved
                                                                                                                                                  of documents           Units

                                          KRA&          University Performance       OPCR-DELIVERY UNITS                 OPCR-SERVICE UNITS                   INDIVIDUAL
                                          Objective     Indicator              Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance     Responsible
                                                                                                         Unit                              Unit         Indicator       Individual
                                          K R A 4 -     Increase of total  net   Increase of total  net   OVPPFRG,  Increase of total  net   DIGP,  No. of approved   VPPFRG, DIGP
                                          Increased     income from IGP by    income from IGP  by 10%   OCED     income from  IGP by 10%   Campus IGP   proposals/policies/
                                          Income from    10% annually         annually                           annually               Chair       PPAs to increase
                                          IGP                                                                                                       IGP
                                          Objective: To  % of internally      % of internally generated   OVPPFRG  % of internally generated   DIGP,  DFS

                                          enhance       generated income to   income to total subsidy            income to total subsidy            No. of PPAs       Director, CED,
                                          efficiency in  total subsidy (income                                                                      proposed to        IGP  Manager
                                          resource      from IGP/GAA)                                                                               increase income
                                          generation                                                                                                from IGP

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