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Relevant training hours  Relevant training hours  OVPA,  Relevant training hours  Deans  % of faculty/staff  CEDs,  Deans,
 attended  by the faculty  attended  by the faculty  OCED  attended  by the faculty  endorsed for SWT  Directors
 and staff members   and staff members   and staff members  Colleges
                                                      No. of SWTs       All personnel
 including attendance to  including attendance to  including attendance to
 conferences/trainings  conferences/trainings  conferences/trainings
 a.  International  a.  International  a.  International
 b.  Regional/National  b.  Regional/National  b.  Regional/National

 Objective  Indicator  Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance  Responsible
          Unit                            Unit          Indicator         Individual
 K R A 6 -                                         No. of policies/PPAs   VPA, VPPFRG,
 TechDev                                           submitted to             OCED
 Objective: To                                     technologize services
 front line
 services and   % of end-users using the   %  of end-users using the   VPPFRG  % of end-users using   ICT Section  No. of systems   Programmers/ ICT
 other services
 priority information   priority information systems   the priority   developed  personnel
 of the
 systems developed per   developed  per year  information systems
 University  year   developed  per year            No. of monitoring   ICT Section  Head/
                                                   activities conducted  Chairperson
 % of software   % of software   VPPFRG,  % of software   ICT Section,   No. of computers   ICT In-charge of
 licensed/copy righted  licensed/copy righted  OCED  licensed/copy righted  Frontline   with licensed/   College/Campus
 a.   Operating Systems  a.  Operating Systems (OS)  a.   Operating Systems  Services  copyrighted  OS and
 (OS)  b. Microsoft Office  (OS)                   Microsoft Office
 b. Microsoft Office  b,  Microsoft Office
                                                   No. of monitored   ICT Section
                                                   computers with     personnel
                                                   licensed software
 % of new facilities   % of new facilities   OVPA,  % of new facilities   DISD,  No. of M&E  activities   DISD,  DGSO,  CEDs,
 completed  completed  OCED  completed  Colleges   to ensure          personnel
                                                   achievement of     assigned

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