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                                          KRA &          University Performance       OPCR-DEUVERY UNITS                OPCR-SERVICE UNITS                   INDIVIDUAL
                                          Objective      Indicator              Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance Indicator  Responsible  Performance   Responsible
                                                                                                         Unit                             Unit         Indicator       Individual
                                          KRA 3 -                                                                                                 No.  of policies/   OP,VP,  Directors
                                          Improved                                                                                                guidelines or PPAs
                                          Visibility in                                                                                           proposed/
                                          the Local and                                                                                           amended to
                                          International                                                                                           improve visibility of
                                          Environment                                                                                             the university in the
                                                                                                                                                  local and
                                          Objective:  To                                                                                          international
                                          strengthen the                                                                                          environment
                                          university's   No. of mandated      No. of mandated          OP,OVPA   No. of mandated       DQuA,  DAS  No.  of PPAs     Director, Head of
                                          local and     service  with  ISO    procedures with ISO                procedures with  ISO             conducted to        Service Units,
                                          international   certification       certification                      certification                    ensure                Head of
                                          visibility                                                                                              sustainability of ISO   Committees

                                                                                                                                                  No. of monitoring      DQUA
                                                                                                                                                  activities with ISO
                                                        No.  of proposals     No.  of proposals       OP, OCED   No.  of new            DCPIA,    Conduct PPAs to    Director, Deans
                                                        submitted to improve   submitted to improve              programs/activities    College   improve local and
                                                        local and international   local and international        approved  &                      international
                                                        visibility            visibility                         implemented                      visibility
                                                                                                                 proposals to improve
                                                                                                                 local and international          Monitor conduct of   OP  Personnel
                                                                                                                 visibility                                             assigned

                                                        No.  of institutional    Note:  Performance indicators for Delivery units, Service  Units and Individuals cover all the  Pis in the  Higher Education
                                                        awards given by         Program, Advance  Education  Program,  Research, Extension and Administrative.  Hence, assigned SUs and Individual will
                                                        reputable organizations                                     indicate it in their OPCR/IPCR

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