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 N o te :  C S C  M e m o ra n d u m   C ircu lar No.  6,  s.  2 0 1 2 ,  p.  7  (G u id elines on  the  E s ta b lis h m e n t o f A g e n c y  S P M S ) p ro vid es that,  “U nless th e   w ork  output o f a p articu lar duty h as  b e e n   a ssig n ed  p re -s e t
 stan d a rd s  b y  m a n a g e m e n t,  its  standards sh all b e   a g re e d  upon  b y  the  supervisors  a n d  th e ra te e s ”.  Thus,  p erfo rm a n c e   standards fo r core  o r support  functions p erfo rm ed  b y  em p lo yees  that are
 n o t fo u n d  in this  T able  o f R efe re n c e   shall b e a g re e d  upon  b y  the  su pervisor a n d  the  em p lo yee.   _______________________________________________________________________________
                                                   Means of
                               Responsible        Verification
 KRA  Objectives  Program  Projects/Activities  Performance Indicator
                              Delivery Unit        (Supporting
       c.  Submission of     OVPA, OCA        Transmittal letter
          APP -  CSE (for                     duly received
          the following year)
    % of the value of goods   OVPA, OVA       Transmittal letter
    and services (based on                    duly received
    NEP) subjected to early
    procurement through
    updating of PhilGEPS
    Submission of results of   OVPA,  CA      Transmittal letter
    current year’s Agency                     duly received
    Compliance and
    Performance  Indicators
    (APCPI) System with the
    complete forms
    Posting of the Review     OVPA,  OCA      Transmittal letter
    and Compliance                            duly received
    Procedure of SALN in
    the transparency seal
    Submission of FOI         OVPA,  OP       Transmittal letter
    reports                                   duly received
 2.  Strong   To ensure effective   General   ■  Partnership for possible   Resources/Funds   OVPPFRG,   Summary report
 Network   student lifecycle   Administration   collaborations,  resource-   outsourced in support to   VPA,  VPRDET,  duly signed/certified
 System and   management and career  and Support   generation or outsourcing  instruction,  research,   OCA
 Resource -   development  Services  from local and   extension,  resource
 Sharing  international   generation, and
 Support to   organizations  administration as a result
 Operations  ■  Strengthening of   of networking/linkaging
 network with alumni  with local and

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