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N o te :  C S C   M e m o ra n d u m   C ircu lar No.  6,  s.  2 0 1 2 ,  p.  7  (G u id elines on  the  E s tab lish m en t o f A g e n c y  S P M S ) p ro vid es that,  “U nless th e   w o rk output o f a p a rtic u la r d u ty h as  b e e n   assig n ed  p re -s e t
 s tan d ard s b y  m an a g e m e n t,  its  standards s h all b e   a g re e d  upon  b y  th e su perviso rs  a n d  the ra te e s ”.  Thus,  p e rfo rm a n c e  stan d ard s fo r core  o r support functions p e rfo rm e d  b y  em p lo yees  th at are
 n o t fo u n d  in  this  T able  o f R efe re n c e  sh all b e a g re e d  upon  b y  the  su pervisor a n d  the  e  m  p  l o  y  e  e  . ________________________________________________________________________________
                                                    Means of
                               Responsible        Verification
 KRA  Objectives  Program  Projects/Activities  Performance Indicator
                              Delivery Unit        (Supporting
 four core areas of   university, the top 1,000
 Human Resource   universities based on
 Management:   world ranking,  or in
 Recruitment,  Selection,   programs with atleast
 and Promotion (RSP);   level III accreditation or
 Learning and   COE/COD status,  in the
 Development (L&D);   last three years
 Performance   Relevant training hours   OVPA, OCA  Summary report
 Management (P&M);   attended by the faculty   duly signed/certified
 and Rewards and   and staff members
 Recognition (R&R)
    including attendance to
 ■  Continuing professional
 growth and development  conferences/trainings
 program for teaching and   a.  International
 non-teaching staff
       b.  Regional/National   OVPA,  OCA
 6.  Tech4Dev  To technologize  front   General  ■  Establishment of an   No. of proposals   OVPPFRG  Summary report
 line services and other   Administration  Enterprise Information   submitted to   duly signed/certified
 services of the   Support  Systems of   technologize the
 University  Services  administrative   University
 processes/services and   % of end-users using the   OVPPFRG  Summary report
 upgrading of   priority information          duly signed/certified
 infrastructure projects
    systems developed per
 and IGPs
 ■  Licensing, copyrighting,   year
 and patenting of   % of software   OVPPRG    Summary report
 software developed  licensed/copyrighted     duly signed/certified
 ■  Enhancement of the   a.  Operating
 IFSU website
             Systems (OS)

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