Page 353 - Area X - G
P. 353

C lassificatio n  o f
 Function  P erform ance  M easures  P erform ance M easu res/S tan d ard s in term s o f Q uantity,  Q uality,  and  R e sp o n sib le U nits/
 D eliverables  a.  S P F -    T im eliness       Individuals
 S trategic
 P rio rity   Q uantity  Q uality  Tim eliness
 F unctions
 b.   CF- Core
 c.  S F- S up p o rt
 4-90-100% of the   3 -  on set deadline (1 week
 population given copy of   before the final exam of the
 the publication   graduating class)
 3-75%to 89% of the   2 -  1 to 2 days after deadline
 student population   1 -  3 or more days after
 2-50 to 74% of the   deadline
 student population
 1-less than 50%
 CF/SF  Attendance to school   5-National Level   5- 7 regional awards/1   DSSD personnel/ School
 press conferences/   3-Regional Level   national award   Paper Adviser
 competitions  1-None  4- 5 regional awards
 3-3 regional awards
 2-1 regional award
 1 -no awards
 •  Services to Student   CF/SF  Activities conducted for   5-130% and above the   5 -  3 or more days before   DSSD personnel
 organizations  the student organizations  target  deadline
 4-115-129%       4 - 1 to 2 days before
 3-100-114%       deadline
 2-51-99%         3 -  on set deadline
 1-50% and below  2 -  1 to 2 days after deadline
                  1 -  3 or more days after
 •  Scholarship Services  CF/SF  Submission of monitoring   5 -  3 or more days before   DSSD personnel/ Scholarhip-
 report from the monitoring   deadline     in-Charge
 activities       4 -  1 to 2 days before
                  3 -  on set deadline
                  2 -  1 to 2 days after deadline
                  1 - 3 or more days after
 CF/SF  Submission of billing   5 -  3 or more days before   DSSD personnel/ Scholarhip-
 reports to funding agency/   deadline     in-Charge
 individual       4 - 1 to 2 days before
                  3 -  on set deadline

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