Page 354 - Area X - G
P. 354


                                 C lassificatio n  of
                                 Function          P erform ance  M easures  P erform ance M easu res/S tan d ard s  In term s o f Q uantity,  Q uality,  and  R e sp o n sib le U nits/
              D eliverables      a.  S P F -                                                         T im eliness                                  Ind ividu als
                                    S trateg ic
                                    P rio rity                                 Q u antity           Q u ality            T im eliness
                                    F u nctio n s
                                 b.  C F-  Core
                                    F u n ctio n s
                                 c.   S F -  S up p o rt
                                    F u nctio n
                                                                                                                  2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
                                                                                                                  1 - 3 or more days after
          •  Alumni affairs      SPF              Coordination with partner-  5-100% of partner-                                            DAA personnel
                                                  agencies/individuals for   agencies/individuals for
                                                  student scholarship    scholarship
                                                                         1-below 100%
                                 SPF              Updating of Alumni     5-95-100% of the                         5 -  3 or more days before   DAA personnel
                                                  directory (based on the   graduates traced                      deadline
                                                  completed tracer study)  1-below 100%                           4 - 1 to 2 days before
                                                                                                                  3 - on set deadline
                                                                                                                  2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
                                                                                                                  1 - 3 or more days after
       S o c io -C u ltu ra l  Services  SPF                                                                      5 - 3 or more days before   DSSD personnel/Socio-
          •  Performing Arts and                  Presented cultural shows   5-presented 5 shows                  deadline                  Cultural personnel
              Literary groups                     to school and outside   within the school/2                     4 - 1 to 2 days before
                                                  activities             shows outside                            deadline
                                                                         4-presented 3 shows                      3 -  on set deadline
                                                                         within the school/1                      2 -  1 to 2 days after deadline
                                                                         show outside                             1 -  3 or more days after
                                                                         3-presented 2 shows                      deadline
                                                                         within the school
                                                                         2-presented 1 show
                                                                         within the school
                                                                         1-no presentation
          •  Competition         SPF              Selected performers for                                         5 -  3 or more days before   DSSD personnel/Socio-
                                                  Regional/National                                               deadline                  Cultural personnel
                                                  competition                                                     4 -  1 to 2 days before
                                                                                                                  3 - on set deadline
                                                                                                                  2 -  1 to 2 days after deadline

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