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P. 350

Classification of
                                 Function          Performance Measures      Performance Measures/Standards in terms of Quantity, Quality, and  Responsible Units/
              Deliverables       a.  S P F -                                                         Timeliness                                    Individuals
                                    S tra te g ic
                                    P rio rity                                 Quantity              Quality              Timeliness
                                    F u n c tio n s
                                 b.  C F-  C ore
                                    F u n c tio n s
                                 c.  SF- S u p p o rt
                                    F u n c tio n
                                                                                              2 -  Poor            3 -  on set deadline
                                                                                               1 - Very Poor       2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
                                                                                                                   1 -  3 or more days after
          •  Student housing     CF/SF            Submission of request or                    (rating is moved to   5 -  3 or more days before   DSSD personnel
              services                            proposal for improvement                    implementation)      deadline
                                                  of student housing                                               4 -  1 to 2 days before
                                                  services                                                         deadline
                                                                                                                   3 -  on set deadline
                                                                                                                   2 -  1 to 2 days after deadline
                                                                                                                   1 - 3 or more days after
                                 CF/SF            Monitors and evaluates   5-Semi-monthly     5- no error          5 - 3 or more days before   DSSD personnel/ House
                                                  occupants activities,   monitoring report   4- with 1  error     deadline                 Parent/ Dorm Matron
                                                  programs and projects  submitted            3 -  with 2 errors   4 - 1 to 2 days before
                                                                         3-Monthly monitoring   2-with 3 errors    deadline
                                                                         report submitted      1 - with 4 or more   3 - on set deadline
                                                                         1-No report submitted  errors             2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
                                                                                                                   1 -  3 or more days after
                                 CF/SF            Implement development   5-100% of proposed  Client’s Rating:                              DSSD personnel/ House
                                                  plan for occupants     improvements         5 - Outstanding                               Parent/ Dorm Matron
                                                                         implemented          4 - Very Satisfactory
                                                                         3-80% of proposed    3 -  Satisfactory
                                                                         improvements         2 - Poor
                                                                         implemented          1 - Very Poor
                                                                         1-50% of proposed
          •  Student publication  CF/SF           Distribution of student   5-100% of the student   Client’s Rating:  5 -  3 or more days before   DSSD personnel
                                                  paper                  population and major   5 - Outstanding    deadline
                                                                         offices given copies of   4 - Very Satisfactory   4 -  1 to 2 days before
                                                                         the publication      3 -  Satisfactory    deadline
                                                                                              2 - Poor
                                                                                              1 - Very Poor

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