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C lassificatio n   of
 Function  P erform ance  M easu res  Perform ance  M ea su re s/S tan d a rd s in term s  o f Q uantity,  Q uality, and  R e sp o n sib le U nits/
 D eliverables  a.   S P F -    Tim eliness        Individuals
 S trategic
 P rio rity    Q uantity  Q uality  Tim eliness
 F u nctio n s
 b.   C F- Core
 F u nctio n s
 c.   S F - S u p p o rt
 F unction
 2-with 3 errors   3 -  within 2 days after receipt
 1 - with 4 or more   2 - within 3 days after
 errors           1 - more than 4 days
 •  Evaluate required   CF/SF  100% of enrolment   5- no error   5 -  within the day of receipt   Registrar’s office personnel
 enrolment documents  documents accepted are   4- with 1 error   of request  College Deans, Chairpersons
 complete and correct   3 -  with 2 errors   4 -  within 1 day after receipt   Guidance office personnel
 upon receipt  2-with 3 errors   3 -  within 2 days after receipt
 1 - with 4 or more   2 -  within 3 days after
 errors           1 -  more than 4 days
 •  Facilitate enrolment   CF/SF  100% of Enrolment Form   5- no error   NA  Registrar's office personnel
 processes  filled out correctly upon   4- with 1 error   College Deans, Chairpersons
 enrolment  3 -  with 2 errors              Guidance office personnel
 2-with 3 errors
 1 -  with 4 or more
 L ib ra ry Services
 •  Purchasing of books  CF/SF  Purchased books   5-130% and above the   Library personnel
 according to   target
 specifications  4-115-129%
 1-50% and below
 •  Subscription of  CF/SF  Submission of request for  5-130% and above the   Library personnel
 periodicals/e-journals  subscription of   target
 periodicals/ e-journals  4-115-129%
 1-50% and below
 •  Cataloguing,   CF/SF  Catalogued, classified,   5-100% of the   5- no error   Library personnel
 classifying and   and inputted books in the   materials properly   4-with 1 error
 inputting of books in   library database  catalogued, classified   3-with 2 errors
 the library database  and inputted   2-with 3 errors
 1-below 100%  1-with 4 errors

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