Page 347 - Area X - G
P. 347

C las sificatio n  of
 F un ctio n  P erform ance  M easures  P erform ance  M easu res/S tan d ard s  in term s  of Q uantity,  Q uality,  and  R e s p o n s ib le  Units/
 D eliverables  a.   S P F -    T im elin e ss     Ind ividu als
 S trategic
 P rio rity   Q uantity  Q uality  T im elin e ss
 F u n ctio n s
 b.  C F-  Core
 F u n ctio n s
 c.   S F - S u p p o rt
 F u nctio n
 •  Download e-journals   CF/SF  Downloaded e-journals   5-130% and above the   Library personnel
 and prepared hard   and prepared hard and e-  target
 and e-copy  copy  4-115-129%
 1-50% and below
 •   Inventory of library   CF/SF  Library resources   5- 100% of the   Library personnel
 resources  inventoried  materials properly
 catalogued, classified
 and inputted
 1-below 100%
 •  Linkaging for library   SPF  a)  MOUs/MOAs   5-130% and above the   Library personnel
 resources  signed/maintaine   target
 d for library   4-115-129%
 resources within   3-100-114%
 the rating period  2-51-99%
 b)  Donations   1-50% and below
 acquired within
 the rating period
 •   Issue library   CF/SF  Library borrowers’ card   5-100% of freshmen and   5-immediately   Library personnel
 borrowers’ card  issued to   transferees   4-within 5 minutes
 clients/customers  1-below 100%  3-withln 10 minutes
                  2-within 15 minutes
                  1-after 15 minutes
 •  Orient freshmen on   CF/SF  Freshmen oriented on   5-100% of information   Library personnel
 library rules  library rules  given
 1-below 100%
 •  Manage promotional   CF/SF  Promotional activities   5-130% and above the   Library personnel
 activities  provided within the rating   target
 period  4-115-129%
 1-50% and below

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