Page 361 - Area X - G
P. 361
Classification of
Function Performance Measures Performance Measures/Standards in term s of Quantity, Quality, and Responsible Units/
Deliverables a. S P F - Timeliness Individuals
S trategic
P rio rity Quantity Quality Timeliness
F u nctio n s
b. C F- Core
F unctions
c. SF- S u p p o rt
Functio n
• Outreach programs CF/SF Conduct outreach 5-130% and above the Client’s Rating: 5 - 3 or more days before NSTP director, coordinator,
programs targeted number of 5 - Outstanding deadline instructors
outreach programs 4 - Very Satisfactory 4 - 1 to 2 days before
4-115-129% 3 - Satisfactory deadline
3-100-114% 2 - Poor 3 - on set deadline
2-51-99% 1 - Very Poor 2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
1-50% and below 1 - 3 or more days after
• Tree-planting CF/SF Conduct of tree-planting 5-130% and above the 5 - 3 or more days before NSTP director, coordinator,
activities activities (students and targeted number of tree deadline instructors
employees) planting activities 4 - 1 to 2 days before
4-115-129% deadline
3-100-114% 3 - on set deadline
2-51-99% 2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
1-50% and below 1 - 3 or more days after
CF/SF Submission of monitoring 5-annual monitoring 5- no error 5 - 3 or more days before NSTP director, coordinator,
and evaluation report report submitted 4- with 1 error deadline instructors
1-no report submitted 3 - with 2 errors 4 - 1 to 2 days before
2-with 3 errors deadline
1 - with 4 or more 3 - on set deadline
errors 2 - 1 to 2 days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after
Capacity Development/OJT
International Relations
Processing of TOR and SPF Authenticated TOR and 5 - with no error 5 - within 10 days after DCPIA Personnel
Diploma of foreign students at Diploma of foreign 4 - with 1 error receipt of request
the Department of Foreign students by the DFA 3 - with 2 errors 4 - within 11-12 days after
Affairs/Foreign Embassy for 2 - with 3 errors receipt of request
authentication 1 - with 4 or more 3 - within 13-15 days after
errors receipt of request
2 - within 16-18 days after
receipt of request
2 6