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Classification of
 Function  Performance Measures  Performance Measures/Standards in term s of Quantity, Quality, and  Responsible Units/
 Deliverables  a.  S P F -    Timeliness         Individuals
 S trateg lc
 P rio rity   Quantity  Quality  Timeliness
 F u n ctio n s
 b.  CF-  Core
 F u nctio n s
 c.  SF- S u p p o rt
 F unction
                 1 - more than 18 days after
                 receipt of request
 Processing of foreign   SPF  Application for Special   5 - with no error   5 - within 3 days after receipt   DCPIA Personnel
 students' documents at the   Study Permits, waivers of   4 - with 1 error   of request
 Bureau of Immigration  extension of stay, tourist   3 - with 2 errors   4 - within 4 days after receipt
 ACR 1-Card  2 - with 3 errors   of request
 1 - with 4 or more   3 - within 5 days after receipt
 errors          of request
                 2- within 6 days after receipt
                 of request
                 1- more than 6 days after
                 receipt of request
 SPF  Application for the   5 - with no error   5 - within 3 days after receipt   DCPIA Personnel
 conversion of temporary   4 - with 1  error   of request
 visas to 9(f) student visa   3 - with 2 errors   4 - within 4 days after receipt
 and for foreign student   2 - with 3 errors   of request
 ACR 1-Card  1 - with 4 or more   3 - within 5 days after receipt
 errors          of request
                 2- within 6 days after receipt
                 of request
                 1- more than 6 days after
                 receipt of request
 Benchmarking and   SPF  No. of local and   5 - 3 or more   DCPIA Personnel
 collaboration with HEIs and   international HEIs and   HEIs/agencies
 agencies locally and abroad  agencies collaborated   3 - 2 HEIs/agencies
 with  1 -1  HEIs/agencies
 Orientations on international   SPF  No. of orientations   5 - 3 or more   DCPIA Personnel
 activities/ events/ programs of   planned or conducted  orientations
 the university  3 - 2 orientations
 1 -1 orientation
 Recruitment, selection,   SPF  No. of outbound students  5 - 3 or more outbound   DCPIA Personnel and
 invitation, and assistance to   students  Colleges
 international   3 - 2 outbound students
 students/faculty/staff  1 -1 outbound student

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