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S E C T IO N   6 -  G E N E R A L  A D M IN IS T R A T IO N  &  S U P P O R T   SERVICES
 This section contains the indicators and performance measures for employees whose main functions relate to general administration and support services. Most of these belong to the units
 attached to the Office of the President, the OVP-Administration, and OVP-Planning, Finance, and Resource Generation, and generally, all employees including faculty members as appropriate.

 Section 6.1.  Common  Functions for Faculty and  Staff
 Conduct Institutional Events  CF/SF  Conduct/Coordlnatlon of   5 -  7 or more weeks before   Assigned personnel
 •  Foundation Day  Institutional events as   set schedule  (Committee members)
 •  Christmas Program  scheduled  4 -  5 to 6 weeks before the
 •  Intramurals Day  set schedule
 •  Graduation Day  3 -  3 to 4 weeks before the
 •  Campus        set schedule
 Events(Specify)  2- 2 weeks before the set
 •  Civil Service   schedule
 Anniversary      1 -  1 week before the set
 Celebration      schedule
 •  Health and Wellness
 •  Others
 Prepare Communications  CF/SF  Finalization of   5- no error   5 -  within 1 hour   Office personnel
 •  Notice of meeting  communication being   4- with 1 error   4 -  within 2 hours
 •  Bulletin  prepared within 3 hours  3 -  with 2 errors   3 -  within 3 hours
 •  Advisory  2-with 3 errors   2 -  within 4 hours
 •  Office Orders  1 -  with 4 or more   1 -  more than 4 hours
 •  Simple Memo   errors
 transmittal, referral,
 endorsement, with
 •  Circular  Finalization of   5- no error   5 -  within 1 working day   Office personnel
 •  Letters  communication being   4- with 1  error   4 -  within 2 working days
 •  Certifications (Good   prepared within 3 working   3 -  with 2 errors   3 -  within 3 working days
 moral character,   days  2-with 3 errors   2 -  within 4 working days
 employment,   1 -  with 4 or more   1 -  more than 4 working days
 services rendered,   errors
 leave credits, no
 administrative case,
 OJT, etc,)
 •  Board Resolution
 •  Complex Memo
 (Answer to Queries
 and Complaints,

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