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P. 368


              Responses requiring
              CSW/External Data)
          •  Proposals
       Prepare Reports; Minutes of   CF/SF        Finalization of report                      5- no error          5 - Submits documents within Office personnel
       Meetings/Referendum/Proce                  prepared within set                         4- with 1 error      3 or more days before the
       edings                                     deadline                                    3 -  with 2 errors   due date
                                                                                              2-with 3 errors      4 -  within 1 -2 days before the
                                                                                              1 -  with 4 or more   due date
                                                                                              errors               3 - on due date
                                                                                                                   2 -  within 1-2 days after the
                                                                                                                   due date
                                                                                                                   1 - within 3 or more days
                                                                                                                   after due date
       Record incoming and       CF/SF            Recording of Incoming and  5 - 100% of the   5- no error         5 -  immediately upon receipt   Office personnel
       outgoing documents                         Outgoing Documents     required documents   4- with 1 error      4 -  within 3 to 5 minutes
                                                                         1-less than the required  3 - with 2 errors   3 - within 6-10 minutes
                                                                         documents            2-with 3 errors      2 -within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                              1 -  with 4 or more   1 -  after 15 minutes
       File documents            CF/SF            Efficiency of filing of   5-100% of the     5- no error          5 -  Documents are readily   Office personnel
                                                  documents (hard copy)  required documents   4- with 1 error      accessible upon request
                                                                         1-less than the required  3 - with 2 errors   (immediately)
                                                                         documents            2-with 3 errors      4 -  within 4 hours
                                                                                              1 - with 4 or more   3 -  within the day upon
                                                                                              errors               receipt of request
                                                                                                                   2 -  within 2 days
                                                                                                                   1 -  after 2 days
       Disseminate information or   CF/SF         Dissemination of       5-100% of the        5- no error          5 -  immediately          Office personnel
       communication                              information or         required information   4- with 1 error    4 -  within 3 to 5 minutes
                                                  communication          1-less than the required  3 -  with 2 errors   3 - within 6-10 minutes
                                                                         information          2-with 3 errors      2 - within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                              1 -  with 4 or more   1 - after 15 minutes

       Reproduce documents       CF/SF            Submission of documents   5-100% of the     5- no error          5 - Submits documents within Office personnel
                                                  reproduced as requested  required documents   4- with 1 error    3 or more days before the
                                                                         1-less than the required  3 -  with 2 errors   due date
                                                                         documents            2-with 3 errors      4 - within 1-2 days before the
                                                                                              1 -  with 4 or more   due date
                                                                                              errors               3 - on due date
                                                                                                                   2 - within 1 -2 days after the
                                                                                                                   due date
                                                                                                                   1 -  within 3 or more days
                                                                                                                   after due date

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