Page 399 - Area X - G
P. 399

Classification  of
 a.   S P F -   S trateg ic   Performance  Measures in terms of Quantity,  Quality, and Timeliness
 P rio rity
 Deliverables  F u n ctio n s   Performance Measures  Responsible Individual
 b.   C F-  C ore
 F u nctio n s
 Quantity  Quality        Timeliness
 c,  SF-  S u p p o rt
 F u n ctio n
 provided to the
 Prepare docum ents required  CF/SF  Submission of accurate   5- before set deadline   Lodging and
 by Lamut Municipal Tourism   summary quarterly   3- on due date   accommodation personnel
 Office  reports on number of   1- after set deadline
 guests/visitors checked
 in and out.
 CF/SF  Receive and file request   5-100% of documents  Supervisor’s rating:   5- within 3 days before the   Lodging and
 letters for reservation   filed  5- Excellent   schedule of activity   accommodation personnel
 and confirmation on   1- less than 100% of   4- Very Satisfactory   3- within 2 days before the
 request for reservation.  documents filed  3-Satisfactory   schedule of activity
 2-Unsatisfactory   1- within 1 day before the
 1-Poor           schedule of activity
 CF/SF  Prepare the following:  5-100% of documents  Client’s rating:  5- as scheduled   Lodging and
 a)  billing statement  prepared  5- Excellent  1-behind schedule  accommodation personnel
 of clients  1- less than 100% of   4- Very Satisfactory
 b)  visitor’s and   documents prepared  3-Satisfactory
 borrowers log   2-Unsatisfactory
 book  1-Poor
 c)  reservation
 schedule, and;
 d)  notice of
 Maintenance of cleanliness   CF/SF  Check/maintain   5-100% of the   Client's rating:  5- as scheduled   Lodging and
 at the lodging area and   cleanliness of room   required amenities   5- Excellent  1-behind schedule  accommodation personnel
 function halls  amenities before arrival   1- less than the   4- Very Satisfactory
 of guests and after   required amenities  3-Satisfactory
 departure  2-Unsatisfactory
 CF/SF  Help in laundry for   5- (100%) all cleaned   Client’s rating:  5- as scheduled   Lodging and
 linens, bed make-up and  and maintained   5- Excellent  1-behind schedule  accommodation personnel
 bed strip  1- not cleaned and   4- Very Satisfactory
 maintained  3-Satisfactory

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