Page 400 - Area X - G
P. 400
Classification of
a. S P F - S trateg ic Performance Measures in terms o f Quantity, Quality, and Tim eliness
P rio rity
Deliverables F u n ctio n s Performance Measures Responsible Individual
b. CF- Core
F u n ctio n s
Quantity Quality Timeliness
c. SF- S u p p o rt
F u n ctio n
Provide procurem ent SPF Procurement documents 5-100% (All) 5- no error 5 - 3 or more days before Supply Office personnel
service prepared 1 -less than 100% 4- with 1 error deadline BAC
(Supply Office, Procurement -Inspection and 3 - with 2 errors 4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
Office, Finance, BAC Office) Acceptance Report 2-with 3 errors 3 - on set deadline
-Report of supplies, 1 - with 4 or more 2 - 1 to days after deadline
materials issued errors 1 - 3 or more days after
-Inventory custodian slip/ deadline
-Waste Material Report
-Disbursement Voucher
SPF Inspection and 5-100% (All) 5- no error 5-1 day after complete Supply Office personnel
acceptance of procured 1-less than 100% 4- with 1 error delivery of supplies BAC TWG
materials/equipment 3 - with 2 errors 4- 2 days after complete
a) Inspection 2-with 3 errors delivery of supplies
(BAC) 1 - with 4 or more 3- 3 days after complete
b) Acceptance errors delivery of supplies
(Supply) 2- 4 days after complete
delivery of supplies
1-5 or more after complete
delivery of supplies
Canvassing of approved SPF 1. Procurement of Satisfaction rating by 5- Outstanding 5-1 day after receipt of PR Procurement Office
purchase requests goods below or end-users on the 4- Very satisfactory 4- 2 days after receipt of PR personnel
equal to 50,000 procurement of 3- Satisfactory 3- 3 days after receipt of PR
pesos requested 2- Poor 2- 4 days after receipt of PR
goods/services. 1-Very Poor 1 - 5 after receipt of PR
(in terms of quality of
the products, based on
standard set by end-
Bidding of approved PR for SPF 2. Bidding of Satisfaction rating by 5- Outstanding 5-1 day after receipt of PR BAC
RFQ goods/services/ end-users on the 4- Very satisfactory 4- 2 days after receipt of PR
projects procurement of 3- Satisfactory 3- 3 days after receipt of PR
amounting to requested 2- Poor 2- 4 days after receipt of PR
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