Page 396 - Area X - G
P. 396
Classification of
a. S P F - S trateg ic Performance Measures In term s of Quantity, Quality, and Timeliness
P rio rity
Deliverables Functions Performance Measures Responsible Individual
b. CF- Core
Quantity Quality Timeliness
c. SF- S u p p o rt
F unction
Repair and maintenance of all SPF Repair of 5 - 100% of the Supervisor’s Rating: 5 - 3 or more days before GSO personnel
rooms/office, halls, office rooms/office/hall/ office number of facility/ 5 - Supervisor’s rating deadline
furniture and equipment furniture and equipment equipment being is excellent/outstanding 4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
maintained 4- Very Satisfactory 3 - on set deadline
1-less than the total 3- Satisfactory 2 - 1 to days after deadline
number of 2- Unsatisfactory/ Fair 1 - 3 or more days after
facility/equipment 1- Poor deadline
being maintained
Maintenance of all Buildings, SPF Maintain buildings, 5 - 100% of the Client Satisfaction 5 - as scheduled GSO personnel
Grounds, Facilities, Vehicles, grounds, facilities, number of facility/ Rating 1 - behind schedule
and Equipment as scheduled vehicles, and equipment equipment being 5 - Rating is
maintained excellent/outstanding
1-less than the total 4- Very Satisfactory
number of 3- Satisfactory
facility/equipment 2- Unsatisfactory/ Fair
being maintained 1- Poor
SPF Repair of electrical 5-All (100%) 5 - 3 or more days before GSO personnel
facilities/ outlets of requests for repair deadline
buildings acted upon 4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
1- Some requests not 3 - on set deadline
acted upon 2 - 1 to days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after
SPF Maintenance of sounds/ 5-All (100%) Supervisor’s rating: 5 - 3 or more days before GSO personnel
lighting 1- not all facilities 5- Excellent deadline
maintained 4- Very Satisfactory 4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
3-Satisfactory 3 - on set deadline
2-Unsatlsfactory 2 - 1 to days after deadline
1 -Poor 1 - 3 or more days after
Provide Lodging and CF/SF Dormitory Client’s Rating: Lodging and
Accom m odation Services accommodation/lodging 5 - Outstanding accommodation personnel
service provided 4 - Very Satisfactory
Personal care 3 - Satisfactory
and assistance 2 - Poor
1 - Very Poor