Page 393 - Area X - G
P. 393
Classification of
a. S P F - S trateg ic Performance Measures in term s o f Quantity, Quality, and Tim eliness
P rio rity
Deliverables F u n c tio n s Performance Measures Responsible Individual
b. CF- C ore
F u n ctio n s
Quantity Quality Tim eliness
c. SF- S u p p o rt
F u n ctio n
Performance 5- 3 - 1 HR system 2 - within 1 -2 days after the
Mngt.;Rewards and subjected for due date
Recognition) evaluation with minor 1 - within 3 or more days after
recommendation due date
2 - 1 HR system
subjected for
evaluation with major
1 - no HR system
subjected for
Provide General Services CF/SF Trip tickets prepared 5 - immediately upon receipt GSO personnel
immediately upon 4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
receipt of approve 3 - on set deadline
request of travel 2 - 1 to days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after
CF/SF Driving service provided Client Rating: 5- arrives at the departure GSO personnel
5 - Outstanding place on time
4 - Very Satisfactory 4- delayed arrival for 5
3 - Satisfactory minutes
2 - Poor 3 - delayed arrival for 6-10
1 - Very Poor minutes
2 - delayed for 11-15 minutes
Note: Client rating shall 1 - delayed for more than 15
be submitted to the minutes
supervisor (i.e. GSO
CF/SF Registration of vehicles 5 -All (100%) Supervisor’s Rating: 5 - 3 or more days before GSO personnel
per government vehicles/properties 5- Excellent expiration
regulations; and equipment 4- Very Satisfactory 4 - 1to 2 days before Supply/BAC personnel
registered 3- Satisfactory expiration
1- below the total 2- Unsatisfactory 3 - on expiration of
Properties and number of vehicles/ 1 - Poor insurance/registration
equipment insured properties and 2 - 1 to days after expiration