Page 391 - Area X - G
P. 391

Classification of
 a.   S P F -   S trategic   Perform ance Measures in term s of Quantity, Quality,  and Tim eliness
 P rio rity
 Deliverables  F u nctio n s   Perform ance Measures  Responsible Individual
 b.   C F-  Core
 F u nctio n s
 Quantity  Quality        Tim eliness
 c.  SF-  S up p o rt
 F u nctio n
                   1 - within 3 or more days after
                   due date
                   Note: Submission -  at the
                   University HRD
 SPF  Attendance to SWT for   5-1 or more (Local,   5 -Submitted proposal   5 - submitted required   Non-teaching personnel
 non-teaching personnel  National or   in relation to the SWT   documents within 5 working
 International)  attended and submitted  days upon return
 1 -  0 or none  report (with certificate)   4 - submitted required
 4 - Echoed insights or   documents 6 to 8 working
 lessons learned from   days upon return
 the SWT attended and   3 - submitted required
 submitted report (with   documents 9-11 working days
 certificate)      upon return
 3 - Submitted report   2 - submitted required
 (with certificate) on the   documents 12 to 14 working
 SWT attended      days upon return

 2 -  Submitted    1- submitted 15 days or more
 1 -  Submitted
 certificate only
 Note: Submission of
 report (with certificate)
 to HRD, cc campus
 HRD and immediate
 SPF  Compliance to Enhance   5 - 1  HR system   5 -  Submits documents within  HRD Personnel
 PRIME-HRM   recognized as Level II   3 or more days before the due
 requirements in the four   PRIME-HRM   date
 (4) HRM system under   4 -  1  HR system   4 -  within 1-2 days before the
 maturity level   subjected for   due date
 (Recruitment Selection   evaluation with   3 -  on due date (monthly,
 and Placement;   recommendations   every 15th day of the following
 Learning and   complied with  month)

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