Page 387 - Area X - G
P. 387
Classification of
a. S P F - S trategic Performance Measures in term s of Quantity, Quality, and Timeliness
P rio rity
Deliverables Functions Perform ance Measures Responsible Individual
b. C F -C o re
Quantity Quality Tim eliness
c. SF- S up p o rt
4 - within 1 -2 days before the
due date
3 - on due date
2 - within 1-2 days after the
due date
1 - within 3 or more days after
due date
SPF (b) Disbursement Finance personnel
Undertake preparations and CF/SF Send notice of meetings 5- 3 or more days before University & Board
conduct of BOR, ADCO and to BOR, ADCO and deadline Secretary
ACADCO meetings ACADCO Members 4-1 to 2 days before deadline
3- on set deadline
2-1 to 2 days after deadline
1- 3 or more days after
CF/SF Transmission of 5- 3 or more days the meeting
packaged agenda 4-1 to 2 days the meeting
folders for BOR, ADCO 3- during the meeting
and ACADCO meetings 2-1 to 2 days the meeting
1- 3 or more days the meetinq
CF/SF Result of post-meeting 5- Outstanding
survey by BOR 4- Very Satisfactory
members every meeting 3- Satisfactory
as to: 2- Poor
a) Performance 1- Very Poor
b) Venue, facilities,
Initiate preparation of post CF/SF Write the draft minutes 5- complete 5- no error 5- 5 days the meeting University & Board
meeting documents after the of previous meetings: 1-incomplete 4- with 1 error 4-10 days the meeting Secretary
BOR, ADCO and ACADCO A) BOR 3-with 2 errors 3-15 days after the meeting
Meetings B) ADCO 2- with 3 errors 2- 20 days after the meeting
C) ACADCO 1 - with 4 or more errors 1- 30 days after the meeting
D) Other