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P. 389

Classification of
 a.   S P F -   S trateg ic   Perform ance Measures in term s of Quantity, Quality, and Tim eliness
 P rio rity
 Deliverables  F u nctio n s   Perform ance Measures  Responsible Individual
 b.   C F-  Core
 F u nctio n s   Quantity  Quality  Tim eliness
 c.  SF- S u p p o rt
 F u nctio n
 CF/SF  Write and finalize the   5- complete   5- no error   5-1 to 5 days the meeting   University & Board
 certifications, matrix and   1-incomplete  4- with 1 error   4- 6 to 10 days the meeting   Secretary
 excerpts of resolutions   3-with 2 errors   3-11 to 15 days after the
 promulgated by the   2- with 3 errors   meeting
 BOR, ADCO and   1- with 4 or more errors  2-16 to 20 days after the
 ACADCO during its   meeting
 meeting           1- 21  or more days after the
 CF/SF  Write and finalize policy   5- complete   5- no error   5- 3 or more days before the   University & Board
 guidelines promulgated   1-incomplete  4- with 1 error   deadline  Secretary
 by the BOR  3-with 2 errors   4-1 to 2 days before the
 2- with 3 errors   deadline
 1 - with 4 or more errors  3- on set deadline
                   2-1 to 2 days after the
                   1- 3 or more days after the
 Facilitate the approval of BOR   CF/SF  Submit the packaged   5- complete   5- no error   5- 3 or more days before the   University & Board
 referendum  referendum to the BOR   1-incomplete  4- with 1 error   deadline  Secretary
 Chairperson and   3-with 2 errors   4-1 to 2 days before the
 Members for their   2- with 3 errors   deadline
 signature and approval  1- with 4 or more errors  3- on set deadline
                   2-1 to 2 days after the
                   1- 3 or more days after the
 Prepare Reports on Personnel   SPF  Submission of summary   5 -  91-100% complete   5 -  Submits documents within  HRD
 Profile  reports on: Teaching   documents (per   3 or more days before the due   Campus HRD
 and Non-teaching   checklist)  date          Office staff/personnel
 personnel who attended   4 -  80-90%  4 -  within 1-2 days before the
 SWT: (a) International;  3-80-79%  due date
 (b) National/ Regional  2 -  40-59%  3 -  on due date (monthly,
 (c) Institutional/Local as   1 -  less than 40%  every 15th day of the following
 set by the head of unit  month)
                   2 -  within 1 -2 days after the
                   due date

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