Page 385 - Area X - G
P. 385


 Classification of
 a.   S P F -   S trategic   Performance  Measures in term s of Quantity, Quality, and Tim eliness
 P rio rity
 Deliverables  F u n ctio n s   Performance Measures  Responsible Individual
 b.   C F -C o re
 F u nctio n s   Quantity  Quality  Tim eliness
 c.  SF- S u p p o rt
 F u nctio n
 Comply with PhilGEPS   SPF  Regular posting of   5 - 91-100% complete   5 - Updated PhilGEPS   BAC personnel
 Posting  bidding in PhilGEPS  documents (per   Posting 3 or more days before
 checklist)       deadline
 4 -  80-90%      4 - 1 to 2 days before the
 3-60-79%         deadline
 2 -  40-59%      3 - on deadline (last day of the
 1 -  less than 40%  following month of every
                  2 -  1 to 2 days late
                  1 -3  days or more after
 Prepare Financial   SPF  Submission of accurate   5 - Submits documents within
 Accountability Reports  and complete reports on   3 or more days before the due
 due date to oversight   date               Accounting personnel
 agencies:        4 -  within 1-2 days before the
 (a)  COA Reports  due date
                  3 - on due date
                  2 - within 1-2 days after the
                  due date
                  1 -  within 3 or more days after
                  due date
 SPF  (b)  Budget                           Planning unit personnel
 SPF  (c)  Financial                        Budget office personnel
 SPF  (d)  Annual                           BAC personnel
 SPF  (e)  APCPI                            BAC personnel
 Prepare Budget Utilization   SPF  Submitted the following   5 - Submits documents within   Finance personnel
 Reports  BUR Reports  3 or more days before the due
 (a)  Obligations BUR  date

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