Page 44 - Area X - G
P. 44
W hat do we n e e d to g e t the re ?
With the FY 2019 budget for the University as baseline (per NEP 2019), a 4 -year budget forecast is
done, also considering the updated Public Investment Plan covering the period FY 2017-2020, the
Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards (ROSSS), and the result of the NBC 461, 7th
Cycle Evaluation.
Budget Plan
By Operation/Program 2020 2021 2022 2023
• GASS 61,350,000 55,996,000 62,548,000 63,192,000 64,578,00
• Operations: 267,805,000 544,362,000 319,838,000 319,461,000 355,029,0C
=> Higher Education Program (+COfrom the PIP)
=> Advanced Education Program
Research Program
=> Technical Advisory Extension Program
Total 329,155,000 600,358,000 382,386,000 382,653,000 419,607,0C
Add: ROSSS 68,600,000 49,800,000 49,500,000
Add: NBC 461, 7th Cycle 26,173,000
Total Budget Forecast 423,928,000 650,158,000 431,886,000 382,653,000 419,607,0C
Public In v e s tm e n t Plan 2 0 1 9 -2 0 2 2
No PAP T itle A m o u n t
Year 2019
M a in Cam pus
l Upgrading of Power Distribution System 10,000,0C
2 Improvement/Enhancement of Admin and Academic Buildings 1,550,0C
3 Rehabilitation of the College of Education Building 4,000,0C
4 Enhancement of College of Advance Education and CODETE Building 1,050,00
5 Establishment of Online Learning Services 1,000,00
6 Establishment/Enhancement of Admin and Academic Buildings 1,550,00
Lagaw e C am pus
7 Completion of Hostel 5,500,00
Potia Cam pus
8 Upgrading the Canpus Main Electrical Distribution System 5,000,00
9 Automation & Computerization of the Registrar, Accounting, Library, Colleges, & other Office4s 1,000,00
A guinaldo Cam pus
10 Completion of Open Gym 3,000,00
H apao Cam pus
ll Renovation/Expansion of Tourism Building 10,000,00
Tinoc Cam pus
12 Improvement/Rehabilitation of Old Buildings 2,000,00
13 Enhancement of Learning Facilities 3,000,00