Page 447 - Area X - G
P. 447


 •  Maintenance of   CF/SF  Updated and maintained  5-100% of computers   5-functional   DPIMT Personnel
 Computers and   software  and software   1 -non-functional
 Software  1-below 100%
 CF/SF  Response to requests   5-100% of requests   Client satisfaction   5-within 1 day   DPIMT Personnel
 for repairs  1 -below 100%  rating:  4-within 2 days
 5-Outstanding    3-within 3 days upon receipt of
 4-Very Satisfactory   request
 3-Satisfactory   2-within 4 days
 2-Poor           1-after 4 days and above
 1-Very Poor
 •  Maintenance of   CF/SF  a)  Response to   5-100% of requests   Client satisfaction   5-within 1 day   DPIMT Personnel
 network infrastructure  request to   1-below 100%  rating:  4-within 2 days
 troubleshoot   5-outstanding   3-within 3 days upon receipt of
 internet   4-very satisfactory   request
 connectivity  3-satisfactory   2-within 4 days
 2-unsatifactory   1-after 4 days and above
 internal Control Unit   CF/SF  5-within 1 day   ICU personnel
 •  Implementation of   Recommendations   5-100%  4-within 2 days
 Auditing rul§§ and   submitted for   1-below 100%  3-within 3 days upon receipt of
 policies  consideration in relation   request
 to implementation of   2-within 4 days
 auditing rules and   1-after 4 days and above
 CF/SF  Auditing/Assessment of   5-100% of documents   5- no error   5-within 1 day  ICU personnel
 financial transactions  of financial   4-with 1 error   4-within 2 days
 transactions acted   3-with 2 errors   3-within 3 days upon receipt
 upon  2-with 3 errors   2-within 4 days
 1-below 100%  1-with 4 errors  1-after 4 days and above
 Income Generating Projects   SPF            IGP personnel
 •  Management of IGPs  Submitted proposal for   5-130% and above the   5-within the rating period
 IGP  targeted number   1-beyond the rating period
 1-50% and below
 Executive Assistants   CF/SF                EA personnel
 •  Review/Assess  Accuracy of the   5- no error
 communication for the   assessment of the   4-with 1 error
 President's action  communication given to   3-with 2 errors
 the President for action  2-with 3 errors
 1-with 4 errors
 Medical-Dental Services
 •  Provide health   CF/SF  Physical examination   5-90 to 100% of   5-lmmediately responded to   Physician/Dentist
 services  conducted  clients served  patients

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