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                                  CF/SF             Report incidents or   5-100% of clients   5-100% accuracy of   5-submitted report within the   Security personnel
                                                    suspicious           1-below 100%        facts/information    day
                                                    activities/visitors, etc.                reported             4-submitted report after 1  day
                                                                                             4-with 1error        3-submitted report after 2 days

                                                                                             3-with 2 errors      2-submitted report after 3 days
                                                                                             2-wlth 3 errors      1-submitted report after 4 days
                                                                                             1-with 4 errors
                                  CF/SF             Client satisfaction rating               5-outstanding                                  Security personnel
                                                                                             4-very satisfaction
       Monitor/Evaluate Operations  CF/SF           Operations (Indicate the   5 -  submitted   5 -  excellent results   5 -  Submits documents within  Concerned personnel in­
                                                    operation            complete data/      and no mistakes      3 or more days before the due   charge in monitoring the
          •  MIS                                    monitored/evaluated)   information       4 - one or two minor   date                    specified operations:
          •  Strategic Performance                  monitored/evaluated as   1 - incomplete  errors and/ or has very   4 -  within 1-2 days before the   -   MIS
              Management System                     scheduled                                good results         due date                     -   OPCR (DPIM,
              (OPCR/IPCR)                              a)  MIS                               3 - three or more minor  3 -  on due date             Campus PIM)
          •  ARTA                                      b)  SPMS-OPCR                         errors and/or has    2 -  within 1-2 days after the   -   IPCR (HRD,
          •  SALN                                      c)  SPMS-IPCR                         acceptable results   due date                         Campus HRD)
          .  GAD                                       d)  Citizen's Charter                 2 - one major error or   1 -  within 3 or more days after   Citizens' Charter
          .  OJT                                       e)  SALN                              deficiency           due date                         (HRD, Campus
                                                       f)  GAD                               1 - unacceptable result                               HRD)
                                                       g)  OJT                               or careless/haphazard                             -   SALN (HRD,
                                                                                             execution of work                                     Campus HRD)
                                                                                                                                               -   GAD (GAD Focal
                                                                                                                                                   Person, GAD
                                                                                                                                               -   OJT (Faculty

        Section  6.3.  Common Indicators for All  Personnel  (Officials  and  Employees)

       Participation to Institutional   CF/SF     Attendance to Foundation   5-100% attendance   5-wlth appropriate                         All personnel
       Events/Activities                          Day                    4-90% to 99%        dress code
                                                   as scheduled          attendance          1-not in appropriate
                                                                         3-80% to 89%        dress code
                                                                         2-70% to 79%
                                                                         1-69% and below
                                 CF/SF            Attendance to Intramurals   5-100% attendance as  5-with appropriate                      All personnel
                                                  Day                    required            dress code
                                                  as scheduled           1-no attendance

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