Page 450 - Area X - G
P. 450


          •  Supervision of general  CF/SF          Cleaning activities                                           5-within the rating period   Assigned Campus Nurse/
              cleaning activities of                initiated, coordinated                                        1-beyond the rating period  Health services staff
              the campus                            and supervised
          •  Regular water        CF/SF             Water in the campus   5- 90 to 100% of water                                             Health services staff
              treatment                             regularly treated     reservoir
                                                    (depends on availability   4- 80 to 89% of water
                                                    of chlorine), (quarterly)  reservoir
                                                                          3- 60 to 79% of water
                                                                         2- 40 to 59% of water
                                                                          1- less than 40 of
                                                                         water reservoir
                                  CF/SF             Monitoring of sanitary   5-90 to 100% of food                 5-lmmediately              Health Service Staff
                                                    permits of food stalls   stalls has sanitary                  1-Delayed response
                                                    within the campus     permit
                                                                         4- 80 to 89% of food
                                                                          stalls has sanitary
                                                                          3- 60 to 79% of food
                                                                         stalls has sanitary
                                                                         2- 40 to 59% of food
                                                                         stalls has sanitary
                                                                          1- less than 40 of food
                                                                         stalls has sanitary
       Security Services          CF/SF                                                                                                      Security personnel
          •  Maintain peace and                     Response time to                                              5- immediately
             order                                  incidents                                                     4-within 5 minutes
          •  Secure University                                                                                    3- within 6-10 minutes
             properties, personnel,                                                                               2-within 11-15 minutes
             clients, and visitors                                                                                1-beyond 15 minutes
                                 CF/SF              Roving/Monitoring     5- acted upon 100%                      5-on schedule              Security personnel
                                                                         untoward incidents                       1-behind schedule
                                                                          during time of duty
                                                                          1-below 100%
                                 CF/SF              Record incoming and   5-100% of clients                       5- immediately             Security personnel
                                                    outgoing vehicles,    1-below 100%                            4- within 5 minutes
                                                    visitors/guests,                                              3-within 6-10 minutes
                                                    documents, etc.                                               2-within 11-15 minutes
                                                                                                                  1-beyond 15 minutes

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