Page 449 - Area X - G
P. 449
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(Medical/Dental) 4- 80 to 89% of clients 1-Delayed response
3- 60 to 79% of clients
2- 40 to 59% of clients
1- less than 40 of
clients served
CF/SF Assisted in physical 5-100% of health 5-lmmediately responded to Nurse/Health Service Staff
examination services patients
1- below 100% 1-Delayed response
5- 90 to 100% of
clients served
4- 80 to 89% of clients
3- 60 to 79% of clients
2- 40 to 59% of clients
1- less than 40 of
clients served
CF/SF Provided medical 5-100% of clients 5-lmmediately responded to Campus Nurse/Health
services on BP 1-below 99% of clients patients services staff
monitoring, first aid, etc. 1-Delayed response
CF/SF Prescribe medicine upon 5-lmmediately responded to Physician
physical/medical patients
examination 1-Delayed response
CF/SF Dispense medicines 5-lmmediately upon receipt of Campus Nurse/Health
upon receipt of prescription/doctors order services staff
prescription/ doctors 1-Delayed response
• Referral of patients for CF/SF Referred patients for 5- 90 to 100% of 5-lmmediately Physician/Health services
further management further management patients 1-Delayed response staff
4- 80 to 89% of
3- 60 to 79% of
2- 40 to 59% of
1-less than 40 of
• Campus visitation CF/SF Visited the campuses 5-100% of clients 5-within the rating period Physician
regularly 1-below 100% 1-beyond the rating period
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