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P. 490
Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance Indicators of 2021 & 2022
G O A L 1 - A C A D E M IC E X C E L L E N C E
O rg a n iza tio n a l O u tc o m es :
• Relevant and quality tertiary education ensured to achieve inclusive growth; and
• Access of deserving but poor students to quality tertiary education increased
KRA 1. Quality Programs
Objective 1. To assure quality of programs
KRA1: 2020 2021 2022
Quality Programs Target Actual
72% 81.25% 91%
1) (a) Percentage of undergraduate programs granted with accreditation by AACCUP 72% (23/32) (26/32) (29/32)
(b) Percentage of graduate programs granted with accreditation by AACCUP 100% 100% 10/10 100% (11/11) 100%(11/11)
88% 31/38 33/38
2) (a) Percentage of undergraduate programs granted with COPC bv CHED 70% (29/33) (81%) 87%
MSCJ was
33% subjected awaiting 3/11* 3/11*
(b) Percentage of graduate programs granted with COPC by CHED (3/9) results
3) No. of program(s) with COE/COD None 3
1 1
4. Certifications (skills-based programs)
4) 4.1 National/Regional (TESDA) 1/campus where 1/campus where
applicable applicable
4.2 International Membership in the 1 (CAE program)
KRA 2 - Q uality Graduates
Objective 2. To ensure effective student lifecycle management and career development
KRA 2 - Q uality Graduates 2021 2022
Target Actual
40.38% (382/962) 60%
1) Percentage of graduates (2 years prior) that are employed 38% 40%