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                                               G O A L  2  -  S T R O N G   R E S E A R C H   L E A D E R S H IP  A N D  C U L T U R E
                                               O rg a n iz a tio n a l O u tc o m e :
                                               Higher education research improved to promote economic productivity and innovation

                                               K R A 1.  S tro n g  R e s e a rc h   B ran d  an d  Im a g e
                                               Objective 1.  To establish a strong brand and strengthen image building o f IFSU as a research leader achieving a total o f 29 research outputs in the last 3 years
                                               utilized by the industry or by other beneficiaries__________________________________________________________________________ i_________
                                                                                                                                         2 0 2 0
                                                   KRA 1 -  Strong Research Brand and Image                                                                 2021           2 0 22
                                                                                                                                 Target       Actual
                                               D   Number of RD outputs in the last 3 years utilized by the industry or by other beneficiaries  31  34       29             9
                                               2) Number of research outputs completed within the year                             36          36            36             36
                                               3) Percentage of research outputs published (such as Elsevier Scopus, Thomson Reuters Journals, and   28% (10/36)  68.57% (24/35)  28%  28%
                                                   CHED accredited Journals)
                                                                                                                                           1 proposed for
                                               4) No. of research centers established                                              1       BOR approval       1              1
                                               5) No. of externally-funded researches                                              6           32             6             6
                                               6) No. of inventions patented/copyrighted                                           12          13             13            13
                                               7) No. of citations                                                               20-249        32           20-249        20-249
                                               8) No. of technology-based research outputs                                         15           3             10            10

                                               9) No. of researches presented                                                      22          31            25             25

                                               K R A  2 . Q u a lity  R e se arc h   O u tp u ts
                                               Objective 2. To intensify conduct o f research and dissemination o f RD outputs to increase percentage o f faculty members:
                                               • Who actively pursue research by 12% every 3 years period
                                               • Who produce technologies for commercialization or livelihood improvement by 10%, and
                                               • Whose research work resulted in an extension program by 10%.

                                                   KRA 2 -  Strong Pool of Faculty Researchers                                           2 0 2 0
                                                                                                                                                            2021           2022
                                                                                                                                 Target       Actual
                                                1)  Percentage of graduate school faculty engaged in research work applied In any of the following:
                                                                                                                                  14%      28.57% (8/28)     14%            0%
                                                   (a) Pursuing advanced research degree programs (Ph.D.)
                                                   (b) Actively pursuing within the last 3 years (investigative research, basic and applied scientific   21%  35.71% (10/28)  21%  50%
                                                   research, policy research, social science research) or
                                                   (c) Producing technologies for commercialization or livelihood improvement      7%      10.71% (3/28)     7%            10%
                                                   Note: Faculty members producing technologies only.
                                                   (d) Whose research work resulted in an extension program                        7%      10.71% (3/28)     7%            11%
                                                Note: KRA2 are targets for Advanced Education Colleges
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