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KRA 3. Conservation of the Cultural Heritage through Research
Objective 3. To intensify conservation o f the rich cultural heritage
K R A 3 -C o n s e r v a tio n o f th e C u ltu ra l H e rita g e th ro u g h R es e a rc h 2020
2021 2022
Target Actual
1) No. of IK research centers established 1 2 1 1
Organizational Outcome:
• Community engagement increased
KRA 1. Relevant Extension Activities
Objective 1. To package and transfer knowledge and technologies relevant to the needs o f clientele achieving a 95% satisfaction rating from clients of extension
K R A 1 - R e le v a n t E x te n s io n A c tiv itie s 2020
Target Actual 2021 2021
1) No. of technology-business incubation center 1 2 1 1
2 ) No. of adopters 70 93 70 70
3) No. of viable demonstration projects (with IRR) to be established 3 5 3 6
4) No. of research outputs ready for commercialization 7 9 3 3
5) No. of technology packaged based from research outputs 10 15 10 10
KRA 2. Volunteer Faculty and Students
Objective 2. To create a widely shared organizational culture that encourages, promotes, and rewards extension and community engagements with 30 o f faculty
and 100 o f students as volunteers annually
K R A 2 - V o lu n te e r F a c u lty a n d S tu d e n ts 2020
2021 2022
Target Actual
1) Number of trainees weighted by the length of training 7845 8820.55 7845 3500
2) Number of extension programs organized and supported consistent with the SUC's
mandated and priority programs 6 11 6 6
3) Percentage of beneficiaries who rate the training course/s and advisory services as
satisfactory or higher in terms of quality and relevance 100% 100% 100% 100%
KRA 3. Active Linkages
Objective 3. To establish/strengthen/sustain linkages with LGUs, industries, and other organizations/stakeholders for resource sharing, extension program, and
service complementation with increased number o f active partners by 20%________________________________________________________________________________
K R A 3 - A c tiv e L in k a g e s 2020
Target Actual 2021 2022
1) Number of active partnerships with LGUs, industries, NGOs, NGAs, SMEs, and other 125
stakeholders as a result of extension activities 137 125 127