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                                               GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES (GASS)
                                               GOAL 4. EXCELLENT PUBLIC SERVICE AND GOOD GOVERNANCE

                                               KRA1. Good Governance
                                               Objective  1.  To ensure efficient,  transparent and accountable delivery o f administrative services with 95%  client satisfaction rating in all administrative offices
                                                   K R A   1 -  G o o d  G o v e rn a n c e                                              2020               2021           2022
                                                                                                                                 Target       Actual
                                                1)  Compliance to Good Governance Conditions per IATF Memo Circular deadlines:            Immediately upon
                                                                                                                                On deadline                On deadline   On deadline
                                                   a.  Maintain/Updating of the Transparency Seal                                          receipt of data
                                                   b.  Post/Update the PhilGEPS posting of all invitations to Bids and awarded contracts  Jan 29,2020  Jan 29,2020  Jan 29,2021  On deadline
                                                   c.  Maintain/Update the Citizen’s or Service Charter                         Dec 4,2020  Dec 15,2020    On deadline   On deadline
                                                2)  Budget Utilization rate for obligation                                        100%         95%           100%          100%
                                                3)  Budget Utilization rate for disbursement                                      100%         84%           100%          100%
                                                4)  Sustained compliance with audit findings by fully implementing % of the prior year's audit
                                                   recommendations as shown in the Report on Status of Implementation of Prior Year’s   30%    53%           30%           30%
                                                                                                                                           BAR-on deadline   30th of the month   30* of the month
                                                                                                                                          FARs: Q1-May 5,   following end of   following end of
                                                                                                                                 30* of the
                                                5)  Submission of BFARs (Quarterly Accomplishment -  physical and financial) online using the DBM’s   month following   2020, Q2- July 29,   quarter  quarter
                                                   Unified Reporting System on deadline                                        end of quarter  2020, Q3-Oct.30,
                                                                                                                                             2020, Q4-
                                                6)  Submission of Annual Procurement Plan by posting in the agency Transparency Seal:
                                                                                                                               March 31,2020 January 24,2020  On deadline  On deadline
                                                a.  Current Year’s APP-non CSE
                                                b.  Indicative APP-non CSE per NEP                                             Sept 30,2020 September 9,2020  On deadline  On deadline
                                                                                                                               December 15,
                                                c.  Submission of APP -  CSE (for the following year)                             2020    December 15,2020  On deadline  On deadline
                                                7)  % of the value of goods and services (based on NEP) subjected to early procurement through updating
                                                                                                                                  50%          58%           50%           50%
                                                   of PhilGEPS posting
                                                8)  Submission of results of current year’s Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators   June 30,2020  June 30,2020  On deadline  On deadline
                                                   (APCPI) System with the complete forms
                                                9)  Posting of the Review and Compliance Procedure of SALN in the transparency seal  Oct 1,2020  August 19,2020  On deadline  On deadline
                                                                                                                                          FOI Manual-Feb 2,
                                                                                                                                FOI Manual,  2021 Inventory- Jan
                                                                                                                                 Inventory,   21,2021
                                                                                                                                 Registry,   Registry-Jan21,
                                                10)  Submission of FOI reports                                                 Summary, FOI  2021 Summary -Jan   Jan 29,2021  On deadline
                                                                                                                                Logo-Jan 29,   21,2021
                                                                                                                                  2020     FOI Logo-Jan 20,
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